Caught 4 small feral hogs at a time, this morning

   / Caught 4 small feral hogs at a time, this morning #101  
My little dogs are ~150lbs Great Pyrenees-Anatolian-Karakachan, when they want something to leave it normally does or dies. Besides I'm in the woods every day - almost always with a rifle or shotgun and my EDC.
I hear you, but I have seen some 500# boars that when they are pissed off, will put the hurt on most things and your dogs will not like the encounter with the right hog. I hope you never have to put your dog back together after getting slashed up (if that is even an option) it really sucks. i'm a big guy and i'm use to being the most lethal thing in the woods around here but i would much rather deal with a bear (around here) than a large pissed off hog. I'm not afraid but i do keep my .40 SW glock handy to back up my rifle when i'm tromping around with the hogs about.

In texas wild hogs have become a fact of life and most of the time they are no more than a nuisance, but they can become dangerous at the drop of a hat. on the bright side they eat really good, hands down better than whitetail as long as they are small and young, 300#ers are mostly pushed into a ditch and left.
   / Caught 4 small feral hogs at a time, this morning #102  
It's not like send the dogs, they run guard duty around here and keep the bears, coyotes, bobcats, and the occasional mountain lion in the woods instead of snacking on my critters. I have had a big boar think hard about taking on my dexter bull but a 22 put a stop to that. All I had on me that day. When I see pig activity it's hunting time, I can't trap because they spend most their time on federal land. I'm surrounded by Mark Twain NF but once you put pressure on them they move on for a while, have not seen any close in well over a year. They'll be back, ce la vie.

I do prefer venison to about anything else. Hog is good eating but not in the same class IMHO.
   / Caught 4 small feral hogs at a time, this morning #103  
It's not like send the dogs, they run guard duty around here and keep the bears, coyotes, bobcats, and the occasional mountain lion in the woods instead of snacking on my critters. I have had a big boar think hard about taking on my dexter bull but a 22 put a stop to that. All I had on me that day. When I see pig activity it's hunting time, I can't trap because they spend most their time on federal land. I'm surrounded by Mark Twain NF but once you put pressure on them they move on for a while, have not seen any close in well over a year. They'll be back, ce la vie.

I do prefer venison to about anything else. Hog is good eating but not in the same class IMHO.
Glad that is working for you, around here they do not move on (wish they would), they get smarter and sometime more aggressive, there are always more and the areas are spreading, most of Texas is covered now and they are destructive little ba$^#ds, a lot of the ranchers have started employing night scopes on silenced rifles (with Texas Parks and Wildlife approval) to put a dent into the populations, but it is a non-stop operation because any vacuum pulls more in to replace them.
   / Caught 4 small feral hogs at a time, this morning #104  
What helped us the most was being able to get rid of as many as possible at once so there are fewer remaining to learn from the mistakes of the others.

I use cellular game cameras and a cheap cell phone with a $5/mo plan.

Gates work like this.

Controls work like this.

The photos get sent to your phone, when you are ready you call up and drop the gates.

View attachment 757629

Then they wait for you to get there.
View attachment 757630

And then it’s “fish in a barrel”.

View attachment 757631

Some spots they seem to keep coming and other times you might get a couple sets and have to move the trap.

View attachment 757632View attachment 757633View attachment 757634

View attachment 757635
Would you be the same J Morris on the Cast forum?

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