Issue I have seen, and read, is the gas that is available nowadays wrecks havoc on rubber. I recently fixed my Dad's saw. Gas hose had rotted in half. I tried to start it to no avail. Heard somethingroll around when I picked it up. It was the fuel filter; the hose had rotted in two. Remaining hose was mush. Ethanol and other oxygenators in gas these days wreaks havok.
By what you described. I would try and fire it up. Before trying, I would buy a spare spark plug, and also make sure the air filter is clean.
I do not like to use old 2-stroke gas. The gas might be ok, but the oil in the mix tends to break down over time. I'd prefer to spend $5 for new premium gas and fresh Husky 2-stroke oil; small investment in a $1000 saw...
Try to fire it up. If it does not, keep an eye on the spark plug; see if it is wet or not. If not, there's no gas getting to it.
Depending on the saw two hoses can be replaced. Most have a main gas line, and an impulse line. The impulse line is the one that helps "pump" the fuel to the carb.
If it won't fire, look at the plug and post here. Plenty of help here to debug.
Arborist Site is really good too; they have a section devoted to chainsaws; there is a wealth of knowledge there.