Nothing..... My youngest decided that he did not want to go for a ride.... So i planned on going once mama got back from her meeting, then a buddy needed help.. So....
I started to think I might be a little behind the eight ball.... I have plans made for a pen, and I really do not want to spend the 500 dollars on the material for the coop I want. So I planned to use an old 5x5 building my neighbor wants gone in the mean time... SWMBO does not want to look at that, and I understand.
SOOOOOO... I might put this off, after a long talk from her last night, and start up next spring after I have everything built and power run out to the coop. Not really what I planned, but.... My expenses next year will be half or less of what they are now. That will allow me to build it bigger and have more birds. Might be smart... dunno.... This economy has been hard on my wifes business, so it might be a good move to wait....