Chimney Caps?

   / Chimney Caps? #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 5, 2013
Kubota B2650HST. Kubota Z125S
I have a two flue masonry chimney, 6" and 8" round. Wood stove is connected to the 8" and the 6" is unused.

Should I use caps on these flues to keep out birds or weather? Have not had a problem other than wet residue when I do the annual cleaning.

Don't know why I'm thinking about this now after years of burning, but just wondering what then benefits might be.

   / Chimney Caps? #2  
I would sure have a spark arrestor (sp) on there! That will usually keep bird, rain, bugs out all year, as well as lower the chance your house catches fire.
   / Chimney Caps? #3  

Should I use caps on these flues to keep out birds or weather? Have not had a problem other than wet residue when I do the annual cleaning.

Don't know why I'm thinking about this now after years of burning, but just wondering what then benefits might be.


TBN often scares me....

This morning I woke up to find a Bluebird in the wood stove. This happens almost every spring when the birds start looking for a nest. So it must be spring! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

I need to go put up a screen of some kind to keep out the birds but I never get around to the job. I have never seen sparks fly out of the chimney but we do need something to keep the birds out. We had a warm spell the last few days that has been wonderful but it will be getting cold again this week. We had two fronts last week that had thunder which folklore says we will have more snow in 10 days. I hope not. Even the kids are tired of snoe. :laughing::laughing::laughing:

   / Chimney Caps? #4  
I have a SS cap with expanded metal screen. It clamps on the flue tile with four screws. Easy to remove for cleaning, has never blown off in the wind, keeps critters and most moisture out of the chimney. I don't think it affects the draft at all.

How is your unused flue holding up? I had a three flue chimney where the center flue was unused. The unused clay flue tile deteriorated and crumbled at the top of the chimney. I suspect it was because it never got dried out, and the other flues kept it cycling between frozen and thawed.
   / Chimney Caps? #5  
I never had a cap on my 8" masonry flue. I would be more worried about the one NOT in use becoming permanently blocked with returning bird and such, may be cozy for years rounder's as well.
As long as you're 3' above the eves and 10' away from the nearest consumable surface, I wouldn't worry about the cap.

Depending on your height of the chimney, a cap can could impact your draft

Do you clean yearly? I find the moisture from rain, typically makes it a little easier to clean towards the clean out door at the bottom of the flue as well. But I have also seen unsightly resin stains around the interior stoves pipe tie in wall, and out side below the clean out box.

I think each case is different, which is exactly why you don't see them on every chimney.
   / Chimney Caps? #6  
Yes go with the flue cap. I have a 13" square flue, if not capped leave an empty pail out on a rainy day and see how it fills up. But just a word of advice try and go with SS or aluminum because if it's steel and not painted and maintained the rust will leave a trail either on your roof or chimney.
   / Chimney Caps? #7  
I have a two flue masonry chimney, 6" and 8" round. Wood stove is connected to the 8" and the 6" is unused.

Should I use caps on these flues to keep out birds or weather? Have not had a problem other than wet residue when I do the annual cleaning.

Don't know why I'm thinking about this now after years of burning, but just wondering what then benefits might be.


I put a cap on my chimney probably 35 years ago. Keeps out the birds (main reason I put it up), besides keeping the birds out of the house, it keeps them from building their nests in the chimney...and it keeps the rain out of the fireplace. Other than that, it does create a really spectacular effect whenever you have a chimney fire.
   / Chimney Caps? #8  
I have had a cap on mine for many years due to rain/snow going down flue also birds building nests.
   / Chimney Caps? #9  
Chimney caps will also stop the delivery of 'Smart' fireplace monitors delivered by NSA drones used to measure how much you are responsible for Global Warming. The monitors also record how many firearms you own, as well as how many cash sales you have been hiding from the IRS. Have you gotten your flue shot, yet ?

Flue monitors will be required under the "Affordable Fireplace Act" of 2015. [If you really like your fireplace stove, you can keep it]. There is now a website in place for signing up. The winning site was from a Belarus company: "Two Men and a Computer". (They only accept Target credit cards).
   / Chimney Caps? #10  
I had a bird build a nest in my chimney once years ago. We had an early cold spell and I built a fire before I'd cleaned the chimney. Momma wasn't happy with me when she got home! Not that expensive, easy to put on and it keeps Momma happy

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