Cicada invasion

   / Cicada invasion #22  
Please tell me you are kidding. But I have a feeling you are not.
I hope that is not the case here, I have just started an 850 sqft addition on the house and will be outside ALL summer. At least I know, and knowing is half the battle. I am off to do a little more research on this topic.
I haven't thought about them for years, but yes, they are pretty ugly. I've ways just wiped/hosed off, but I suppose something like pyrethrin clothing sprays might help.

Good luck!

All the best,

   / Cicada invasion #23  
Its not an invasion if they are a native bug. Which they are.
   / Cicada invasion #25  
Cicadas don't bite and are harmless to humans and pets.
Provide food for all sorts of creatures.
   / Cicada invasion #26  
Cicadas don't bite and are harmless to humans and pets.
Provide food for all sorts of creatures.

They may not bite - but they fly into you like bugs on a windshield!

Mowing yesterday I had at least a dozen fly right into me - a couple went under my shirt.

They are not helpful and I’m glad they will be gone in a couple weeks.
   / Cicada invasion #27  
What Mr. MoKelly said!

Drove from the Florida panhandle up to middle Virginia today.

I was actually appreciative of the intermittent hard rainstorms to wash the Cicada guts off the windshield!

Oh they make a big mess at 75 mph!!!

It would have required a paint scraper otherwise!
   / Cicada invasion
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What Mr. MoKelly said!

Drove from the Florida panhandle up to middle Virginia today.

I was actually appreciative of the intermittent hard rainstorms to wash the Cicada guts off the windshield!

Oh they make a big mess at 75 mph!!!

It would have required a paint scraper otherwise!
At least you weren't on a motorcycle!
   / Cicada invasion #29  
I don't understand but for some reason in town, 13 miles away, you can hardly hear yourself think for them but at home we have only seen two. NOT THAT I'M COMPLAINING, but the last time they were out we had plenty of them plus all the racket they make...