Snow Equipment Owning/Operating Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions

   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #31  
Ruffed grouse are still fairly common around here. Mostly seeing them roost in trees or crossing small roads out on a drive. We also get spruce grouse but those are less common in this area. - Some years back my son and I were chased by a ruffed grouse in our back woods. We heard what sounded like a buzzing set of bees coming our way - we turned and ran 10 feet before seeing a grouse flying at us. We looked back and saw a bunch of chicks scattering and trying to hide in the brush and leaves on the ground! (Local people don't know what a ruffed grouse is - it is all partridge to them!)

Turkey were introduced and now are common most everywhere. We have them in the back field coming out from the small white pines.

We got our snow- 7" it looks like.Really no deeper than the last photo I posted - due to the melt.

A cab would be nice but I can't justify the money for it when there is always someplace to spend the money! I've got a super LLBean coat (rated -40F and I bought some leather bike chaps for leg coverings - 30 bucks from Pakistan! Being retired, I can wait for the temperature to rise and the sun to shine!
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #32  
I read to day that the polar vortex has split. Western Europe and Asia will be frigid. The west coast and western Canada will be frigid. The Arctic and the East coast will have milder temperatures. It is 42F right now here in central Maine 2:30 pm. The ground is completely snow covered and there must be a foot of snow on the roof.

I do enjoy these milder temps though. To others less fortunate re temps - embrace the cold!
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #33  
I read to day that the polar vortex has split. Western Europe and Asia will be frigid. The west coast and western Canada will be frigid. The Arctic and the East coast will have milder temperatures. It is 42F right now here in central Maine 2:30 pm. The ground is completely snow covered and there must be a foot of snow on the roof.

I do enjoy these milder temps though. To others less fortunate re temps - embrace the cold!

Yeah but,,,, what about us in the middle??? :)
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #34  
I read to day that the polar vortex has split. Western Europe and Asia will be frigid. The west coast and western Canada will be frigid. The Arctic and the East coast will have milder temperatures. It is 42F right now here in central Maine 2:30 pm. The ground is completely snow covered and there must be a foot of snow on the roof.

I do enjoy these milder temps though. To others less fortunate re temps - embrace the cold!

Part of me agrees, especially as I get older and find snowshoeing to become more and more tedious. Yet I do enjoy winter even more than summer, so when we get a few weeks of cold it's a letdown when the warm weather comes so quickly. Tapping trees was not on the agenda for this weekend but looking at the long term forecast... Right now I'm listening to the wind howl outside, which apparently started down somewhere in Kittery.

Yeah but,,,, what about us in the middle??? :)
Apparently it's just "business as usual"
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #35  
Forecast is for 62F this Wednesday. We got 4" of snow last night - some plowing. I used to cross country ski- real joy on a full moon night. Age has changed my perspective. Stiff legs means no more skiing. Walking through snow- no more than an inch deep - or it is a chore.
Cold air cuts into my lungs, and my fingers actually get numb.

I'll enjoy the warmer weather - but I still sleep best when it is not any warmer than the low 50's!

Very nice day today with the sun out. - I can imagine that the taps will be out for the syrup - used to do that as a kids, boiling the sap over a fire in the pasture!
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #36  
42 F today, rain coming tomorrow. There is still a foot of snow on the ground!
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #37  
Polar vortex must have split! We have had our rain. A few days later we had 4" of snow, and then an inch. What fell is melted and what was on the roof is 1/2 gone. Under the spruce where the sun reaches there is bare ground.

I listened to a cardinal singing outside the window from 5:30 am on. And a chickadee using it "phoebe" spring call. The nights are still in the 20's and colder, but the days are above freezing - and there is the drip of water and the slushy puddles to step around on the paths.

Sap season has been underway! The "bump" in road signs are starting to appear. If the weather keeps on like this- we will have a very early spring here in Maine!
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions
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You seem to be the only person who responds to this thread, Did you read the private message sent to you?
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #39  
Spring has sprung here...the seasonal drift is apparent again this year (in line with el nino activity)...
All the ornamental fruit trees are blooming as I'm sure the orchard crops (peaches, apples) are...With the early Spring we are likely to still get a killing frost or freeze that will not be good for the orchard growers...

Also common here is what is called "Blackberry Winter"...this is usually a late season cold snap (with light frost) after the blackberries have started to blossom...

The seasonal drift may be the reason more and more former orchards are becoming vineyards...

A pair of Canada geese showed up yesterday here on the river they are about 10 days early...they only stay a few days and don't see them again until the fall...
   / Climate Change & Current National Freezing Conditions #40  
I enjoy the spring greatly. It is cool and I enjoy watching things green up. At the end of the month we'll start to see snow drops and crocuses amd ***** willows.

Our black berries start well- flower mid June - but as the fruit is growing and green- they are hit by something that turns the fruit brown and it dries up. Every few years we'll get fruit. - The evergreens do something like that to raspberries we have planted in the past - from what I read.

Seeing more crows around, and my wife saw some mallards in a stream (really small brook- but they don't use that term up here!) as we were heading to see my some and family.

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