Clothes Lines

   / Clothes Lines #21  
A couple of rear axle spindles and rims from a wrecking yard might work.
   / Clothes Lines
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A couple of rear axle spindles and rims from a wrecking yard might work.

What are we hanging up, main sheets from the Bluenose ? :thumbsup:

Rgds, D.
   / Clothes Lines #24  
Topic came up as a tangent in another thread, thought I'd start this one......

One of the best setups I've seen was at my grandmother's house. Big country house, with attached large woodshed. Shed had a dedicated walkway along one wall, that had a tall narrow door at the end. The pulley was inside the shed, so you didn't even have to go outside to hang up clothes - nice, given Nova Scotia weather - back when, clothes still went outside on clear Winter days. Sloped side-lawn, so the line came out almost at 2nd storey height, and had a long run across a big lawn to a pole at the edge of the farm-field. Long run of line, and the clothes were already inside once you took them off the line.

Clothes Lines - who still uses them, and what different setups have you seen ?

Rgds, D.

I use a clothes line.
Mine is not sophisticated.
Just a basic line strung on three poles!

I do also have a clothes line at my cottage in Nova Scotia, but rarely use that line anymore.
Rather than battling the black flies and/or mosquitos, when there, I opt for the dryer most times.
   / Clothes Lines #25  
   / Clothes Lines #26  
The old farmer down the street uses one, the only one I've seen in ages.

His appears to be a couple 4X4 posts with some sort of cord. I'm sure he likes it that way, the clothes feel better air dried or something because he ain't poor LOL

The best ones I've "seen" are these.

View attachment 540660

I hope those things are on a pulley wheel!
   / Clothes Lines #27  
Gramp was a well-driller, so things were always built out of pipe at their place - long lasting build, esp. if you kept the pipe painted.

Rgds, D.

Painted Aluminum. My Dad loved Aluminum paint; in fact, if it was metal, and didn't move, chances are he painted it...Aluminum.
   / Clothes Lines #28  
We nhad a Hills Hoist which was pretty rough after years of abuse before we got the house, we pulled it out and replaced it with a new clone, worst move we ever made and should have rebuilt the Hills.
We are about to pull it out and replace it with a fold out rack, 8' wide and 8 runs of line, collapses to two vertical poles when not in use and gives us lawn space.
I remember those clothes lines across the street when I lived in the UK, they were very common in the 50's, we lived in the country but we saw them when we came to town, there was an unofficial washing day that everyone seemed to adhere to and the streets were quite dark when the washing was out, a bit like fish and chips on Friday and chicken on Sunday, I think Tuesday was washing day.

I hope you know, your screen name has caused me considerable consternation. I woke up in the middle of the night, with the word "Bunyip" running through my mind. When I got up later I couldn't remember it for awhile...and when I did, I had no idea if it was a real word, or if I created it in my own, I did the only rational thing...I Googled it, and lo and behold! It's a real word! I had no idea!

Just really didn't cause consternation, but I had no idea what it meant or where it originated until I googled it.

   / Clothes Lines #29  
I live in the woods . If I used a clothes line the birds would do a real job on my clothes ( if ya know what I mean ) . And then there's the squirrels issue . I did use one in my college days when renting cheap run down house apartments to live in . My mother used one all the time . She also had an open tub electric driven washer . Ya had to crank the wet clothes through rollers to ring them out. Then to the clothes line .
   / Clothes Lines #30  
I hope you know, your screen name has caused me considerable consternation. I woke up in the middle of the night, with the word "Bunyip" running through my mind. When I got up later I couldn't remember it for awhile...and when I did, I had no idea if it was a real word, or if I created it in my own, I did the only rational thing...I Googled it, and lo and behold! It's a real word! I had no idea!

Just really didn't cause consternation, but I had no idea what it meant or where it originated until I googled it.


We live about 20km from a town called Bunyip which is on the Bunyip River, only a small town with 2 pubs but it is there, not far away is Garfield of cat fame (I have never looked into the origins of the name but Bunyip was on a swamp that was supposed to have a population of Bunyips, or maybe it could have been something good they were smoking back then).
Just to add to your consternation I shall throw Yowie into the ring:D