We've had three Cockersover the years, two miniatures and one full size. All good dogs, good looking, great pets and pretty intelligent and quick learning, all three were house dogs and they were extremely easy to house-break.
They were great pets, very loving and they all hated to be left alone. They seem to take to different people in different ways - two of them would lay in my lap when I was seated, but they would snuggle up and lay beside my wife if she was seated, the third one would crawl off anybodies lap if placed there. They seemed to obey my wife's commands better than they did with me, but they preferred to play outside with me a lot more so than her.
They don't seem to take very well to smaller children, the last one we had would seem to snap at our first grandson for just about any reason, never bit him, but she'd definitely snarl, snap and growl if he attempted to play with her. She was a pretty old dog at that time, 7 or 8 years old, that may have had something to do with it. She loved to be around any grownups, never had any problems there.
All were true good pets and all lived to be pretty old, the last one was 13 years old when she passed away.
Now that it looks like there will be no more new grandchildren, we've talked about getting another Cocker, but for now we've got a Shih Tzu that's only 5 years old, so it'll be awhile before that happens.