Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts

   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts #1  


New member
Jan 17, 2010
My husband is looking for a distributor for Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts. This was mounted on a Bush Hog loader when it was bought new. This is not the usual brand mounted on this loader. The dealer he bought the tractor and loader from is no longer in business. Looking for a distributor anywhere in the United States.......Thanks for anyhelp.
   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts #2  
Welcome to TBN.

I see where COFLE makes control cables, do they also make the hyd valves? I will keep looking.
   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts
  • Thread Starter
We found that site. We wondered if anyone spoke English being that it is an overseas company....I will have my husband get it together so I can take a picture. He was just trying to save money by fixing the current one instead of repalcing the whole thing with the one that should have been placed on it. Thanks!
   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts #5  
There are several joystick valves that would probably work on any loader. One of those joystick valve is this one from Surplus Hydraulics.

Sometimes it is easier to replace with new, rather chasing down valves that are questionable, or hard to find. They essentially do the same thing, raise and lower the lift arms, and tilt the bucket. So if your tractor has up to 10 GPM flow, then this valve would work if you can not find parts for the current valve. All this is based on the tractor having an Open Center system. There is a closed center plug that can be used with this valve if needed.
   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts #6  
We found that site. We wondered if anyone spoke English being that it is an overseas company....I will have my husband get it together so I can take a picture. He was just trying to save money by fixing the current one instead of repalcing the whole thing with the one that should have been placed on it. Thanks!

English is the universal language of commerce. I've never encounterd an issue in any part of the world that I've been in. Go ahead and email them and I'm sure they'll be nice to you. :)
   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts #7  
Looking for diagram and disassembly instructions for a Cofle 2 cable joystick
   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts #8  
COFlE Joy stick plastic part broke for bucket control!


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   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts #9  
Any ideas where to find replacements
   / Cofle Hydraulic Joystick parts #10  
Old, old thread... My guess is your best bet is going to be to make something. Even wood should do the trick. You are only making one, so hand tools, rasps, sanding, etc will get you there.