Cool Nature Photos

   / Cool Nature Photos #461  
Strange-looking dogs showing up to eat from our squirrel feeders.

   / Cool Nature Photos #462  
I put squirrels on my exile list when I caught them chewing into my Bluebird nest boxes and destroying the eggs/chicks. I'll only feed a squirrel once now.
   / Cool Nature Photos #463  
I put squirrels on my exile list when I caught them chewing into my Bluebird nest boxes and destroying the eggs/chicks. I'll only feed a squirrel once now.

I'm just kidding, those are bird feeders, squirrels just get into them. Also, those ain't dogs. :D
   / Cool Nature Photos #464  
It's that time of the year food harder to find.
   / Cool Nature Photos #466  
"Strange story" - no pictures. My FIL thought I needed some tame white ducks. So, loooong ago, he brought four and turned them loose on my lake. They did look nice - paddling around out there. They were big, they were snow white, they quacked a lot.

Then the problem started. Noticed they were making several trip a day into the cove where the cliff swallows alway nested. It's about 200 yards down the lake, on our side. So I walked down to see what was going on. Those dirty birds were knocking down the swallow nests, off the walls of the cliff, and eating the baby swallows. They would flap hard and could get six to eight feet high on the cliffs to get at the mud nests.

I KNOW the coyotes must have enjoyed "white duck" for breakfast. I told my FIL that they joined up with some wild ducks and flew south.
   / Cool Nature Photos #467  
Couple of mule deer, still in velvet, in Nevada's White Mountains, in July of 2014:
   / Cool Nature Photos #468  
Deer grabbing a Pringle’s
   / Cool Nature Photos #470  
That Deer needs to eat something besides Pringles...... :D