Coyotes On The Move

   / Coyotes On The Move #1  


Super Star Member
Apr 17, 2009
nowhere, md
Two nights ago about 2 hours after sunset, the coyotes were howling and yipping. They were in close to the house.

Today around noon, a young (9 or 10) neighbor boy came up the drive on his bicycle and asked me to show him where the snowmobile trail runs. I explained it and he rode off down the trail to check it out. My wife was out walking our dog and she spoke with him too. Shortly after he rode on my wife heard him yell and he came flying back up the trail. She asked what was wrong and he said there were two coyotes further back and he wasn't going there. Smart kid :)

On the way back to the house, my wife saw one good sized coyote running across our pond opening. Very odd to see coyotes moving like this mid-day. There is no hunting on Sundays here. Fortunately, the dog my wife was walking is always on a leash, he loves to wander far and wide otherwise.

Anybody seeing similar things? The only explanation I have is the deer hunters have disturbed them in the areas where no people usually go and they are looking for somewhere quieter?
   / Coyotes On The Move #2  
This time of year always does bring them out into the open more. I saw three this week-end at my place in east Texas when I rarely see any.

Hogs are a nuisance animal to me and I shoot them and leave them where they fall if I don't have anyone handy to call who wants them. With everyone deer hunting right now there isn't anyone I can call to pick up the hogs. I shot two in my back field about a week apart and the coyotes drug them both off.
   / Coyotes On The Move #3  
The place we lived three years ago is over run with coyotes. Development is crowding them in. Small dogs and cats are snatched out of backyards all the time there now. They are not afraid of people. They won't let you see them but they are there watching you. Just at the fringe of your yard. I could hear them in the weeds less than 30 yards from the house. They were following the deer at our old place. When the deer moved the coyotes moved with them. We now live out in the country where the coyotes aren't so concentrated. We do hear them now and then but they are always far away here. I don't like them around my house. They are too smart.
   / Coyotes On The Move
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The place we lived three years ago is over run with coyotes. Development is crowding them in. Small dogs and cats are snatched out of backyards all the time there now. They are not afraid of people. They won't let you see them but they are there watching you. Just at the fringe of your yard. I could hear them in the weeds less than 30 yards from the house. They were following the deer at our old place. When the deer moved the coyotes moved with them. We now live out in the country where the coyotes aren't so concentrated. We do hear them now and then but they are always far away here. I don't like them around my house. They are too smart.

Not much development going on here, so that hasn't changed. Not many deer either. I think one older doe and a spike buck, they are scarce this year and last. Maybe the coyotes are low on deer meat :eek:

I know they are always around as I see their tracks in wet spots on the trails and some scat. They hadn't been making daytime appearances.
   / Coyotes On The Move #5  
We have had coyotes close to the house on our country land for the near 40 years we've been here. Not something to fear, in my book. Usually hear them howling and yipping 3-4 nights a week. And see them in the daytime, occasionally but year round.

Bow shot a buck last week, and couldn't find it right away. The coyotes had eaten the rear quarters already and were working their way up to the front.

The coyotes keep the rabbit population in check, as well as the feral cats (that get captured, neutered and then released !!! ) OMG
   / Coyotes On The Move #6  
I shot two in my back field about a week apart and the coyotes drug them both off.

This will only help increase the number of coyotes, I hope you know that, you are upsetting any hope that any natural balance might happen.
   / Coyotes On The Move #7  
This will only help increase the number of coyotes, I hope you know that, you are upsetting any hope that any natural balance might happen.

What natural balance??
Feral hogs aren't "natural" in fact they have already upset the balance. Coyote's are to smart to mess with an adult pig, especially a large feral, they wont even mess with a strong javelina (sic) much. We are the natural balance as far as "feral" hogs are concerned.

Last study I read on a coyotes diet was 60% mice, remainder was everything else. They are opportunist and not to picky, if its easy.

Coyotes, like most other animals, will be seen more during the winter on their search for food. Cold weather increases the heat loss, so the need for nutrition is greater. Survival mode.
   / Coyotes On The Move #8  
Neighbor was loosing sheep, another loosing chickens. This was several weeks ago. Fortunately, one neighbor knew a fellow who LOVES to hunt coyotes...I've invited him to hunt my place. 3 dead coyotes so far in 6 hunts.

He uses electronic game call, electronic lure (thing that flips a ratty tail looking thing in the grass to create interest), 243 rifle with scope, lots of camouflage, watches wind, etc...

He's stopped deer hunting, does coyote exclusively. Can be done all year round, day or night, choose good weather, smaller target, more sensitive nose than deer, etc.... considers it more challenging.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, he practices safe hunting.... never taking silhouette shots, always identifying his target, making sure no livestock or habitation structures in line of fire, etc.... I know, nobody and nothing is PERFECTLY safe, but he's convinced me by talk and deed that he hunts as safely as I do...that's all i can ask.

This time of year, this years pups are nearly full grown, thus beginning to hunt for their own territory, also, need more total food items since larger appetite... plus hunting, etc.. all contribute to more coyote sightings and predation.
   / Coyotes On The Move #9  
I've been hearing them more this year out back.
   / Coyotes On The Move #10  
We're in Missouri. I've seen more this year than in the past (we've lived here 3years) and they are larger and look much much healthier than in the past. In fact, a few I've seen remind me a small German Shepards vs. the old scrawny coyotes.

I've never really been worried about the coyotes I've seen in the past but this year I keep thinking I really wouldn't want to mess with one ... or two.

Does anyone carry a hand gun for protection "just in case"? Any suggestions as to the size needed?


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