Dad Jokes

   / Dad Jokes #1  

Bill Guenthner

Platinum Member
Sep 25, 2011
Kubota B3300SU
Here's one to kick off summer.

Pig 1: I never sausage heat
Pig 2: Tell me about it, I'm bacon

Have you got any that drove your kids bonkers?
   / Dad Jokes #2  
Where does Santa go swimming....
The North pool.
Jokes repeated around every Christmas by me.
   / Dad Jokes #5  
Why did the little moron put a band aid under his watch band? To keep the ticks from biting him on the wrist.
   / Dad Jokes #6  
Q: Why does Tigger smell?
A: Because he plays with Pooh!!!:ROFLMAO:
   / Dad Jokes #8  
They had a fantastic day fishing.
One fisherman said they should mark the spot to be sure they had more great catches.
Buddy said he did.
He made a large X on the side of the boat.
   / Dad Jokes #9  
They had a fantastic day fishing.
One fisherman said they should mark the spot to be sure they had more great catches.
Buddy said he did.
He made a large X on the side of the boat.
The problem with that is you might not get the same boat (rental) the next time.
   / Dad Jokes #10  
Told to me by the mother of my first girlfriend almost 45 years ago.

What did the ********* say to the sadist?

"hit me......hit me....."

What did the sadist say back?


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