Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter?

   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #42  
I can take some tomorrow if you like. I have another foot or so forecast!!!
   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #43  
Yup looks like were going to get walloped here again too. Winter isn't over yet...at least not till Wednesday! :D
   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #44  
I like looking at the pictures,, but I wouldn't want to be snowed in for a few days,, two inches of snow down here would stop everything,, not that it would cause a problem.. it would causes us to call in to work,, so we could play in it.. :thumbsup: good luck on digging out.. Lou
   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #45  
I like looking at the pictures,, but I wouldn't want to be snowed in for a few days,, two inches of snow down here would stop everything,, not that it would cause a problem.. it would causes us to call in to work,, so we could play in it.. :thumbsup: good luck on digging out.. Lou
We have the technology :thumbsup: I got a little four inch flurry the other day and one customer was a little miffed that I bothered to plow it. They get tired of paying this late in the season. She won't mind tomorrow if we get eight inches to a foot as predicted. Even her AWD will hang up on that much. I'll snap the plow on this afternoon and fuel up to be all set. Shouldn't take more then two hours to do four drives and a half mile of road between them.
   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #46  
Not while I was actually clearing. Just some before and after pics. I'll have to download them from the camera tonight. Although we are supposed to be getting 6 to 18 inches tonight. Maybe I can beg my main squeeze to snap a couple tomorrow while I'm clearing it.
   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #47  

This is the blizzard we got back in early Feb. It took an hour to dig out all the doors to the house/garage before I even got the power tools out. More due tonight.

   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #48  
Somewhere between 8-14 inch to fall when all said and done Wednesday...first day of spring welcome :( should be able snap couple.
   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #49  
we had one decent snow this winter got wife to take picsDSC00371.jpgDSC00372.jpgDSC00373.jpgDSC00375.jpgDSC00378.jpg had some fun with that snow
   / Did anyone have time to take snow pics this winter? #50  
Here are a couple from this last flurrie :)
