Disassembling 7360ss shift linkage

   / Disassembling 7360ss shift linkage #1  


New member
Aug 31, 2018
Mims, Florida
Cub Cadet 7360ss
Got both cub cadet manuals. Pics indicate a cover on side of center case, labeled "Lever holder" 4 bolts appear to hold it on and I removed them, but short of destroying it, it refuses to come off and the pics are zero help. I disconnected all external linkage, shift is in neutral. Pics look as if it should come up and off, I would gladly welcome any help. The slide lever is leaking about a gallon of hyd. fluid every 2-3 days even while sitting.
   / Disassembling 7360ss shift linkage #2  
The shifter on my 7260 SS works good when it's warm outside, but gets hard to go into fwd or rev when it's cold. I haven't found any lub points. Anyone else with the same problem or suggestions to fix. Was also very hard to start the engine when it's cold, so I put the glow plugs on a manual system with a switch and a 180 amp fuse directly from the battery to the glow plugs. Turn it on for 8 seconds, starts every time.

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