Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out?

   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out? #21  
I have lived within 3 miles of my birth-home my entire life. MY plan is to stay here until the end.
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out?
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I have lived within 3 miles of my birth-home my entire life. MY plan is to stay here until the end.
Except for being born in the next county I have lived within 10 miles and taking away the first 9 years it would be 3 miles… not counting work assignments.
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out? #23  
I have a relative who once told me that once you have your sails set just right to catch the wind, the wind changes.
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out?
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Another thought that crossed my mind is from speaking with neighbors that have left.

Everyone said they loved the neighborhood and most liked their home but the deciding factor in whether to stay or go is being comfortable growing old here.

Maybe that is the real question?

On a side note about 2019 being great is the transit agency just published data saying current 2024 ridership is only a 45% of 2019 ridership… says a lot and not mention to nearly 2 billion in federal funding soon to be exhausted.
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out?
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I have a relative who once told me that once you have your sails set just right to catch the wind, the wind changes.
Can I use this?
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out? #26  
Interesting thread. The trouble is that, like I suspect many here, I only find tranquility and happiness in working hard on projects and chores. As much as I tell myself I'm doing all this work for some end goal, the reality is that sitting poolside and relaxing for more than a few minutes in the evening is misery to me. Maybe that will change with age, but age 50 years now, I suspect not.

If I have any inclination toward clinical depression, it's tied to the day I wake up and have no plans or goals.

Speaking of projects....

We worked hard to put in a nice above ground swimming pool, deck, patio, plantings, sound system, etc... all just my wife and I, and now we take time to enjoy it every summer.

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All play and no work makes Jack a jerk.

Gotta have some work/fun balance.

If work IS your fun, then you're good to go. :p
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out?
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projects on my timeline are often fun and rewarding… as opposed to projects on the timeline of someone else.

Lots of satisfaction gained from a well done project.

I was thinking back to dads friends and their retirement move and it was the wife behind it because her husband was retired but always getting called in to solve problems at the plant where he retired as superintendent.

Wife said the only way to break free is relocation and she was right and they had 20 good years post move and bought that motor home they had always talked about and throughly enjoyed their travels reconnecting with old friends and family… with many in and around Kokomo… she said I got my husband back!
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out? #29  
Wife and I both moved around a lot as kids. We've been together for 34 years in 4 states. 3 of them have no state income tax. We came to Texas more deliberately as a place we could eventually retire. We were about 40 when we got here.

The last move was to our final home. We don't always agree, but our retirement goals aligned well. Small country acreage in a state and locality that fits our values.

We tried to get into the PNW a few times as 2 older sisters live there and other family as well. I couldn't live there anymore. It is nothing close to how it was in the 80s.
   / Do you ever get it all figured out or mostly figured out? #30  
I have lived within 3 miles of my birth-home my entire life. MY plan is to stay here until the end.
Our first house was 3.25 miles from the house I was born in.
That was a different zip code! :p

Our current home is 2.5 miles from it and back in my original zip code.

We still have the same phone number from when we got married in 1985.