Do you make your own biodiesel?

   / Do you make your own biodiesel? #31  
Flatheadyoungin said:
hope i didn't hijack this thread!:rolleyes:

i talked to my buddy quite a bit more and it does sound like the oil is VERY dirty....we'll do the tritration test, however, in the next few weeks....

just this one place is 3000+ gallons......PER WEEK! he named some kind of chemical that is in it too that they are using to clean the vats......and, i guess the worst is that this is a pork rind factory.....

i called my cousin that manages a mcd's just a few minutes from my house, she said if i could get her some type of container that the health inspector would not condem she could probably make sure i got only the oil from the fry vat....she said that is about 120gallons per week.......

that buddy of mine said he would order, say, the bio pro 190 or bigger, tomorrow if he knew it would process the oil.....are there any reps, wonder, willing to let them "demo" it like they do new dozers or backhoes they buy?

also, he said if i could secure a clean source of bio from the local mcd's (there are a total of 4 owned by the same owner my cousin works for) that he'd buy the system and supply me with free biodiesel...

i'll see if i can put any of this together....

the acid base looks promising and the bio pro claims it can handle it.....

Graydon has the go/no-go kits. they are easier to use especially since you will be using a BioPro. you dont really need to know the specific titration point as long as it is below the max FFA for the BioPro wich is what the go/No-go kits are callibrated for.
   / Do you make your own biodiesel? #32  
I, too, had heard of supposedly poor quality of the biodiesel in Denton, but there's another news story today in the Denton Record-Chronicle that makes it appear that quality wasn't the problem, quantity was.:confused:
   / Do you make your own biodiesel? #33  
good point....

Mahana79 said:
Graydon has the go/no-go kits. they are easier to use especially since you will be using a BioPro. you dont really need to know the specific titration point as long as it is below the max FFA for the BioPro wich is what the go/No-go kits are callibrated for.

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