Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself.

   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #1  


Gold Member
Jan 14, 2022
John Deere 790 / Kubota L3301
I never took my John Deere 790 to the dealer for anything, did it myself no matter what it was, but now its pretty beat up. So for my L3301 I am thinking its best to have the dealer do everything, but got to pay pickup and delivery back, to say nothing of the sky high charges, but want to keep this one in immaculate shape. Is it worth it?
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #2  
For 27 years I did all the maintenance on my 1982 Ford 1700 4WD. For 13 years I've done all the maintenance on my 2009 Kubota M6040 4WD. I had/have no problems keeping either machine in tip top shape.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #3  
Taking it to the dealer does not guarantee "immaculate shape". I use and abuse my equipment but I also maintain it - as long as it works and preforms as it should, I don't care what it looks like. Service the tractor yourself, if you can... and if you want it clean, see if any mobile Car Detailing Services around you would do the job?

See what they charge to come once a year to make her look pretty...
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #4  
Yeah, what does doing it yourself have to do with "beat up"?

I do all my own maintenance and repairs. Because I can and I know that it's done right or the way I want it done.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #5  
Mostly a common sense thing...
I can do an oil changes and filters, replace bulbs and such
I don't change the hydraulic fluid since I don't have a container large enough to catch it
Engine work and such is left to the dealer since I really don't have those skills
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #6  
Mostly a common sense thing...
I can do an oil changes and filters, replace bulbs and such
I don't change the hydraulic fluid since I don't have a container large enough to catch it
Engine work and such is left to the dealer since I really don't have those skills

basically the same here.....I try to do the basic maintenance, hose replacements, etc, but leave the real repairs to the dealer.

I don't mind paying someone who knows how to do it and do it correctly versus an idiot (me) that will just make things worse and cost more in the end. I'm old and wise......
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #7  
I do my own maintenance, and repairs that were within my ability and interest. I also keep my tractor and diesel mowers in very good condition mechanically, and appearance.
Nothing wrong with having a dealer do this work, but just the routine maintenance alone is going to be expensive at the dealer.

The only time I had my tractor serviced at the dealer was to replace the 3 point lower arm connection point, where I snapped it off the case. I just didn't feel like removing the loaded tire, draining hst fluid, remove differential, replace brake case (where the broken tab is located). That was an expensive job.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #9  
I've always maintained all my equipment, anything with moving parts. One thing about doing it yourself, you know it's being done right.
Sometimes the people doing the work don't do it right.
   / Do you take it to the dealer for maintenance or do it yourself. #10  
Who does the maintenance has nothing to do with how beat up the machine looks.

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