Does Green Slime work on bead leaks?

   / Does Green Slime work on bead leaks? #1  


Super Member
Nov 25, 2009
Bobcat CT 235
I have a leak on my eXmarks rear tire rim bead
My neighbor says to green slime it, Im not sure if I should or not.

Any advise out there?
   / Does Green Slime work on bead leaks? #2  
I would think that for the amount of slime that you would need to ensure that it coated the junction of the rim and tire it would be almost cheaper to break the bead, clean the rim and do it right. I use a pink slime all the time, but not on something this big...
   / Does Green Slime work on bead leaks? #3  
Funny you should ask, I just had that issue a couple of weeks ago and someone on here suggested cleaning rim and putting slime and yes it worked.
   / Does Green Slime work on bead leaks? #4  
I have successfully used Berryman's on a bead leak.
   / Does Green Slime work on bead leaks? #5  
Personally, I doubt that a slime product would help a bead leak as ordinarily put into tires. The product is for tread leaks as I understand it. If there is a bead leak, cleaning the bead and using an actual bead sealer would be my choice.
   / Does Green Slime work on bead leaks? #6  
A thin application, about onion skin thickness, of silicone sealer on the bead area works too.
   / Does Green Slime work on bead leaks? #7  
Additives are meant to spin centrifugally to the tread area and be forced into the holes to seal them. They are spun AWAY from the rim area, so unless you are going to nearly fill the tire with green goo, it's not your best bet!

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