Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver?

   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver? #1  


Super Star Member
Apr 17, 2009
nowhere, md
No, not that :laughing:

Beavers took up residence again in my beaver bog. They had been gone for about 5 years. They have been busy and managed to create a small pool at least five feet deep already. I know, because I slipped into it while trying to spot the beavers. :eek:

I like having the beavers around and they cause me no problems.

My question is this -- If I cut some small birch and poplar trees and leave them by the pool, do you think the beavers will eat or use them? Weather permitting, I'm going to try it tomorrow. I will get some pics. No, not those.:)
   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver? #2  
I often throw large cut branches on the shore to dry a bit before burning. The other day the beaver chomped some off while we were having dinner at the picnic table 20' away.
Give it a try, they may like the easy Pickens.
   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver? #3  
We've had a family 1/4 mile down the road on and off. Every so often someone complains and they live trap them, or somebody shoots one. Trappers are also pretty active around here. I think beavers improve land!
   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver? #4  
Sweet Birch branches are like bubble gum/candy to them, they love it.
   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver? #5  
The Beavers won't care if you cut the wood or if they do; they will eat it or store it away either way. They do enjoy Popple (Aspen) up North. Birch is their second choice here it seems.
   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver? #6  
As long as it's fresh cut, they should like it. They actually eat the bark and shoots, park it in the water to keep it moist and easy to digest. They love willow too.
   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver?
  • Thread Starter
We've had a family 1/4 mile down the road on and off. Every so often someone complains and they live trap them, or somebody shoots one. Trappers are also pretty active around here. I think beavers improve land!

My main reason for liking to have the beavers around is their pools produce huge numbers of dragon flies. The dragon flies spread out over my lot and reduce the mosquito population considerably. Dragon fly larva need plant stems that emerge from water to hatch well.

The stream the beavers work with begins as a trickle about one mile up a slope from the beaver pool area and collects runoff and ground water from a good sized area. The stream runs across the back of our lot far from anything that matters.

When the beavers left about 5 years ago, I think it was because they had exhausted the supply of good food trees. They were working on beech trees that were 16" in diameter. I don't think beech is a tree they really like, so they were getting desperate I guess. I was surprised to see the beavers back so soon really. It doesn't seem like there is enough new regrowth to keep them here very long.

Year-old beavers are driven out of their home ponds by their parents. They go in search of a new place to build. In this area, that means picking a location with enough water flow to dam and build a lodge in, the land has to lay right to make a pond that won't freeze to the bottom, and food trees for at least one winter. That's a pretty amazing instinctual process if you think about it. Imagine trying to figure that out for yourself while keeping your head 2' or less above the ground.

Beavers are ecosystem foundation builders for sure.
   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver? #8  
Dave1949; sounds like a fun pass time{watching the beavers} we had one come in a couple years back and hang out in our pond for a few weeks. My son and his dog even swam in the pond while the beaver hung out on the back side.
   / Ever Fed Wood To A Beaver? #9  
Why would anyone want to attract beavers.....

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