Everlast 210STL Users Out There?

   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #11  
I’ll have to go pull it out to check the model. Assuming it’s not a X series, what kind of damage are we talking about? I saw nothing burnt on the board.
It doesn't have to be visible. It messes with the control circuit and transformer. What you are describing is typical of that kind of problem. That's why I went out on a limb and mentioned it.

Generac, if you call them, should have an idea what THD that model puts out.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There?
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It doesn't have to be visible. It messes with the control circuit and transformer. What you are describing is typical of that kind of problem. That's why I went out on a limb and mentioned it.

Generac, if you call them, should have an idea what THD that model puts out.

UGH… 20% THD with our generator. I obviously overlooked that. If tech ever gets back to me, I’ll have to see what it will take to get it fixed.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #13  
Call me tomorrow. We are in the process of reworking our tech support department. So there are things that are being transferred into new tech guys hands...so the transition is a bit choppy right now with new tech guys coming in. 650-866-0063.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #14  
Mark - What is the least expensive way to reduce THD for all of us that have invested, years ago, in generators big enough to run a welder that produce too much THD?
/edit - Big UPS?
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #15  
As a follow up, name brand doesn't buy you clean power automatically in a generator. The Northern tool Powerhorse generators are far cheaper, but meet the 5% THD requirement.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #16  
Mark - What is the least expensive way to reduce THD for all of us that have invested, years ago, in generators big enough to run a welder that produce too much THD?
There are line conditioners, but a big one costs as much as a generator. It's not really practical. See my post above.
   / Everlast 210STL Users Out There? #17  
Mark - What is the least expensive way to reduce THD for all of us that have invested, years ago, in generators big enough to run a welder that produce too much THD?
/edit - Big UPS?
Line conditioners smooth out the THD but they can cost as much as the generator. See my post above. This is the best way to do it.

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