Excavator or Feller Buncher?

   / Excavator or Feller Buncher? #1  

Cedar Buster

New member
Jan 17, 2010
Been looking at used feller bunchers thinking they may be more useful for mulching cedar on steep pasture slopes, but am finding that many of the affordable used ones do not have cab leveling.

Are the non-leveling feller bunchers greatly superior to excavators for this purpose?

Excavators have the additional draw of being versatile in that you can use them for digging. The feller bunchers don't seem to be versatile at all, and pretty much dedicated machines... even mulching heads are a rarity on them.

I really don't need a monster feller buncher either, but the smallest I've found is a Timbco 415 or John Deere 703G. The JD 703G is reputed to have great fuel economy at 6 gallons per hour. I could live with that.

As always, I appreciate and respect your advice.

   / Excavator or Feller Buncher? #2  
Well as the movie I-Robot said "that is the right question!" and an area I happen to know alot about.
Generally feller bunchers are far superior mulching platforms than excavators, not that excavators are bad but a feller buncher is better suited for the job.
First is feller's have much larger hydraulic systems. They can run a hot saw while rotating, clamping, booming and oh ya carry a big tree. On past installs on feller's we have actually disabled a few circuits out to the head. They normally have close to 100+ gpm capability and are easy to adjust. I have a customer here who has a Tigercat that put 90gpm @5000psi to the head off the machine (no powerpack). Close to 400hp.
Second the cooling system is designed to cool all that flow and under continues use. Above mentioned customer has 6000 hrs on our head with feller. WOW!
Tilting cab is up to you. You learn to use what you have but the units I have seen running mulching heads and saws with tilt could really adjust to the terrain and have good operating angles. Plus the greater slope you cut on the more hyd power it takes to turn the turret while your cutting. Probably not as big a deal on feller as on standard excavators (less hyd power).
Now a few drawbacks. Fellers are usually heavy. Close to 60k lbs. and would require bigger and more costly transport. Second is they are alittle more expensive than excavators, but now would be a good time to look for one. Another atribute/drawback is there arm design. Because they are designed to hold trees there booms are robust and compact. Very strong but limited reach.
You can shop around and find an excavator that has a higher flow hyd system and there are several models that make good mulching platforms. Plus they will have greater reach. Another option is a great deal on a regular excavator and the addition of a powerpack if your production requirments warrent it. We can size and run well without powerpacks, it's just what your job requirments are.
Now to help bring all this together. Working on slopes and if you have the resources to invest upfront I feel the benefits of a feller would payoff right nicely. A larger machine can always cut smaller material. A smaller machine cannot mulch BIG stuff.
I didn't mention these options earlier because there are SO many option and you were talking about the smaller excavators. Trying not to overload you.
I know this will generate a few questions so fire away!!
Oh ya, forgot this. Once you mount a mulcher on a excavator of feller, you will not take it off. You just created a machine that will fetch a hefty hourly rate!!!
   / Excavator or Feller Buncher?
  • Thread Starter
Hi Robbie,

Thanks. That video is SICK! It's going to make some guys jealous. :D

I'm still weighing all the options and counting my pennies. Homework doesn't cost anything but time. Once the cash is on the table, the game changes.

Right now, the feller buncher route is looking very strong as the foresters have told me that productivity is going to be critical despite the steep country.

The hunt continues!

   / Excavator or Feller Buncher? #5  
You are in a good territory for there everything under the sun running near you. I have a customer running powerpacked excavators with our heads kinda near you. So whenever you wish you can see what 90 gpm @ 5000 psi looks like cutting. I'll give you a hint, it's freakin amazing.
Let me know if I can help further.