Facebook group ??

   / Facebook group ?? #1  


Silver Member
May 9, 2021
Massey 2706e
Would there be any interest in a PowerTrac owners Facebook group.?
I know Facebook is a dirty word to some, including me. Lol
But I’ve noticed, when my phone service isn’t good. Which is most of the time Facebook works better than online forums, even when using the mobile app.
I had a difficult time accessing this site, from Tazewell, but Facebook was working fine.
Also. I think we could reach a broader audience, and grow the brand some, and get more machines out in the world
which the people at PowerTrac, said they were all for. LOL
Anyway, if there is any interest at all, I’ll start one and be happy to have everyone join in.
I’m not advocating abandoning Tractorbynet.
Just looking at adding an extra avenue of information and entertainment.
   / Facebook group ??
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Well the excitement of my new found appreciation of the PowerTrac machine, and possibly too much bourbon, got the better of me LOL
POG PowerTrac owners group is created on Facebook.
Hopefully it will grow into a good source of information and entertainment for current and future PowerTrac owners.
   / Facebook group ?? #3  
Interesting that FB works better for you. I've got pretty poor Internet where i'm at and when i work up the "courage" to load it up, it just crushes my Internet connection. TBN seems to be fairly light on the Internet for me. Unfortunately, most of my surviving relatives use FB as a way to contact and announce familial things. Ok heading over to FB, I'll look up your group, but will probably still use TBN as my main source of retrieving and disseminating information.
   / Facebook group ??
  • Thread Starter
Interesting that FB works better for you. I've got pretty poor Internet where i'm at and when i work up the "courage" to load it up, it just crushes my Internet connection. TBN seems to be fairly light on the Internet for me. Unfortunately, most of my surviving relatives use FB as a way to contact and announce familial things. Ok heading over to FB, I'll look up your group, but will probably still use TBN as my main source of retrieving and disseminating information.

It probably won’t be much of a group until more people join. LOL.
But Facebook calls them groups, even if it is a group of one.
It will take some time, but I think the more people who see them in action, the better.
And I’m hoping we can reach more people, and keep PowerTrac in business and busy.
As far as internet, that may do with device using to access, we no longer use a computer in our house, everything is on phones or tablets.
And some apps, or sites seem to run better on mobile devices than others.
I think that’s why Facebook would load, but even the mobile app version of tractorbynet wouldn’t.
And yes. I’ll still be on here as often as possible
   / Facebook group ?? #5  
I just joined
   / Facebook group ?? #6  
Who is still on FB ? lols
   / Facebook group ?? #10  
The web is the web. If this site is loading slow for you, there might be things you can do other than luring people away from here. Seems like this thread should be deleted.

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