Farm helper...goat care

   / Farm helper...goat care #1  


Silver Member
Dec 1, 2019
Marquez, Texas
John Deere 2030 Diesel
Good morning & Happy New Year!

I just bought a property that has 31 goats and 4 kids on the way. They are Boer goats. I will close on the property in late February and then I'm letting the seller stay for up to 60 more days. Bottom line, I have some time to solve problems.

I'm learning as much as I can about the goats. The seller will care for them until 60 days after we close. My concern is that the more I read, the more I realize that goats aren't self-sufficient. The property is fenced and cross-fenced. It's 66 acres with plenty of room to move the goats around. I live 2 hours from the property. I want to keep the goats but it looks like I need someone to take care of, feed and check on the goats daily. This creates questions:

1. do goats need daily attention or can I visit every other weekend and take good care of them?
2. if they need daily care, where can I find a trustworthy person in the area that might do this?
2a. Since I have enough land, would someone be willing to run their own goats and care for mine in exchange for leased space?
2b. What should I expect to pay someone if I have to pay cash?
3. would it make more sense to just sell the goats and then lease space to someone who has goats?

I don't know what other questions to ask. I'm really looking forward to this but don't want goats paying for my inability to be on the property daily.

   / Farm helper...goat care #2  
How much patience do you have?

I love animals but goats really push my limits. Trying to work on an old lady friends jeep and couldn't keep the goats out of the engine compartment. Similar thing with a neighbor. Also, used to wake up with MY house surrounded by his goats. They are escape artists! They try and eat just about anything. Soft tops, trailer wiring, you name it.
   / Farm helper...goat care
  • Thread Starter
How much patience do you have?

I love animals but goats really push my limits. Trying to work on an old lady friends jeep and couldn't keep the goats out of the engine compartment. Similar thing with a neighbor. Also, used to wake up with MY house surrounded by his goats. They are escape artists! They try and eat just about anything. Soft tops, trailer wiring, you name it.

The current owners seem to have them under control. Fencing is good. They're kept away from the home, barn and vehicles. I'm more worried about having someone feed them and handle things that need to be handled daily.
   / Farm helper...goat care #4  
I think goats could get themselves in a lot of trouble over the course of 2 weeks.
What is the food and water supply?

I assume they aren't regularly being milked?
What's your plan for the goats? Where's the payback for feeding, and paying someone for caring?

Seems like a situation where there's a 10% chance things might work out if you keep them...maybe I'm being pessimistic...

IMHO, and not knowing details, you need someone to check and/or care for them.....and a back-up person for when primary person is not available, since it's won't be a full time job they make their living from.
Ask the locals who they know that fits the bill. Craigslist and local social media.
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   / Farm helper...goat care #5  
sounds like you may want to get someone live-in to care for them.
maybe sell them off to friends of the seller.
   / Farm helper...goat care
  • Thread Starter
I plan to eat some of them and sell some of them. I like having them clearing part of the land. I really just like them. I could sell them to someone that manages them on my land. Since I won't be at the property daily, I like the idea of having someone keeping an eye on the place. My gut is telling me to get rid of them and I'm looking for ways to override my gut. If I can find someone that will keep an eye on them and my place, I'd be willing to pay or trade off services. Just don't know how to find someone I can trust.
   / Farm helper...goat care #7  
All animals need daily care or at the very minimum daily inspection.
IMO your best bet is nbr 3
   / Farm helper...goat care #8  
I could sell them to someone that manages them on my land. Since I won't be at the property daily, I like the idea of having someone keeping an eye on the place.

That seems like a win-win.

They become someone else's responsibility to feed and when they get out.
Don't have to pay someone.
You get to look at them and they keep land cleared.

Buyer: Raises them on someone else's feed/land for free?
   / Farm helper...goat care #9  
The goats are pretty self-sufficient but 2 weeks is to long for the goats to be by themselves. They need daily care. Why are you buying a goat farm and not wanting to invest the time required? Might the owner want to stay longer? You might need to consider the tax costs. Selling the goats will take away the tax advantage of them. If that works in your state. If this is for your retirement then lease it until you want to move there. It does not need to be goats. Horse people, cattle or if the fields are suitable hay people might be interested. You can always split it up so that you rent the pasture and still have control of the house so you could stay or remodel or rent it for profit. Have a local attorney make up the lease, pay for the attorney to protect you and your investment. Ask for references and check them. A farm left unattended with draw the attention of undesirables. Make friends with the neighbors and provide them with contact info so they can call you if something looks wrong. Also provide the info to the local sheriff office.
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   / Farm helper...goat care #10  
We had goats when I was young......good luck!