Fatjay picks up chicks!

   / Fatjay picks up chicks!
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24-26 eggs a day from 26 chickens. Selling 10 dozen a week covering feed costs. Plenty of fresh eggs for ourselves.

I think I'm gonna get another dozen chicks, they're in season, demand is high. I hate to have to turn people away but it's getting to that point.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks! #102  
Get yourself some golden comets also known as Isa browns. They will outlay any chicken in my opinion.

They never stop laying all winter large brown eggs everyday. 300 plus every year. I have three breeds of laying hens and the golden comets out lay the other two breeds by a large margin.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks! #103  
I was going to say, by letting them free range, the grass stays good all around, and they don't have to live in the mud. They do like to scratch thru the compost pile and spread it out.
I tried to let my chickens free range for several months after my garden was done. They destroyed so much they pulled my blueberry bushes that I planted out destroyed my hugel mounds. All around the house they dug up my wife's perennial roots.

So now they are in a fence portable fencing that I could move to fresh grass.

I have to redo a lot of things because of them and they're never getting out to free range again.

They will be on fresh grass every day because I will move the fence and it is a big area.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks!
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Pulled the mobile coop around and cleaned it up. got my chick waterer and feeder. Had a flat tire so i'm changing the wheels out to be solid wheels instead of pneumatic.

I'm on my way to tractor supply!

   / Fatjay picks up chicks! #105  
I'm taking a year off. One freezer is full of pork, the other is equally full of pork and chicken. I just unplu ggd my third freezer. And I'm supposed to be on a low cholesterol diet...
I may raise a few Freedom Rangers this fall, and keep a few of the hens for the eggs. That worked out well for me this year, although I still can't figure out if the eggs are good or bad for us.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks!
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Struck out at 2 TSC's. called ahead to a 3rd and they have the motherload, but wasn't able to get there before they closed. I'll head over tomorrow.

My plan is to do rolling 4 years, 12 chickens a year, and retire them after 4 years. That way I'll have 48 total at any given time. I'll expand my run a bit and give them some extra room. As it stands, I'm selling out of eggs and have a waiting list so I think having this as a side gig isn't bad. About $200/mo as it stands and I'd have many more customers if I could support them. It's not a lot of work but i keep running out of eggs to eat myself and my wife is complaining.

I plan to do toe punch method to track generations, I've heard mixed about bands. Would love feedback on keeping track of age, since I can't rack their laying individually.
   / Fatjay picks up chicks! #107  
Struck out at 2 TSC's. called ahead to a 3rd and they have the motherload, but wasn't able to get there before they closed. I'll head over tomorrow.

My plan is to do rolling 4 years, 12 chickens a year, and retire them after 4 years. That way I'll have 48 total at any given time. I'll expand my run a bit and give them some extra room. As it stands, I'm selling out of eggs and have a waiting list so I think having this as a side gig isn't bad. About $200/mo as it stands and I'd have many more customers if I could support them. It's not a lot of work but i keep running out of eggs to eat myself and my wife is complaining.

I plan to do toe punch method to track generations, I've heard mixed about bands. Would love feedback on keeping track of age, since I can't rack their laying individually.
You can buy solid rubber cart wheels at Harbor freight.

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