Foam insulation - Making cabin from prebuilt shed

   / Foam insulation - Making cabin from prebuilt shed #31  
I bought a diy kit, from foam it green. They supplied a bunch of tips and tyvek suite (it bunched up got some foam on me and tore hair off my arm). What I did was prep the entire area, drop cloths all over taped and stapled where I wanted it, ladders in place etc. That way when I sprayed I kept going. If you stop for 60 seconds then that tip is ruined and you replace it with another. It was very easy to use, like a paint gun.
It came in two lp grill tank sized tanks. The company even emails you when the temperature is right in your area.

Forgeblast, I have looked at them for a small area. How was the yield? They say something like 600 sq ft at 1 in (or maybe it was 2)
   / Foam insulation - Making cabin from prebuilt shed #32  
Honestly it was almost 8 years ago(I cant remember the actual yield) it covered everything i needed it to, I remember being impressed with what I got. I actually did a bunch in my basement and in my attic.