FREE Smartphone or Computer Software

   / FREE Smartphone or Computer Software #1  


Platinum Member
Aug 28, 2013
JD LX188
I was just wondering, how many are using software (especially free) on their computers and smartphones that is useful for managing your property.

Share your favorites and why you like them :)
   / FREE Smartphone or Computer Software #2  
Firefox (Monzilla) best browser, and AVG Internet virus scanner on here now too. Few others used to use but with Win-7 not compatible

   / FREE Smartphone or Computer Software
  • Thread Starter
Looking for more specific apps - things relevant to grasses, weeds, fencing, chemicals, fertilizers, livestock ... etc ....
   / FREE Smartphone or Computer Software #4  
I use one called ID Weeds. Has all kinds of grasses and weeds with pictures. Another one is Texas Nature. It has all kinds of animal listings with pictures and sounds. Pretty cool app. There might be one more specific to Oklahoma.
Cattle Market if you are into cattle and Varmint Call if you hunt critters.
   / FREE Smartphone or Computer Software #5  
Hi Egbert

I'm using QGIS (QGIS Project Homepage) - it's an open source Geographic Information System. The base layer is a aerial pic of my farm and then I have a layer for fences and gates, a layer for tanks and water reticulation, a layer that has the house and buildings, layer for blackberry patches etc. Most of the time is going around to the gates and major sites and getting GPS coords then editing the layers. Being a pretty full GIS suite means its not dead simple to learn but it is the right tool for the job. I can turn on or off layers and the print out an up-to-date map of what I need. QGIS is available for Windows and Linux, it's a really nice GUI application for serious GIS work.

Also using sqlite database (SQLite Home Page) and LaTeX for producing labels for shearing time (note these ain't GUI apps). Creating web pages with sqlite and some python to make my weather station available on the web and to view the animals remotely with fixed cameras looking at the paddocks. All with free and open source software.

   / FREE Smartphone or Computer Software #6  
I was hoping for some more replies to this thread. I've had my eyes open for software to help manage maintenance on equipment, provide some instrumentation for a hot house and help plan/track the garden (not all in one).

A note about QGIS, I've used it along with some other GIS software. GIS software typically isn't friendly for normal users. You can get part of the way there by using google earth (GE). You can add your own data, import other data, use free aerial imagery (from different times), get directions, etc. You can expand it beyond your 'borders' too - I have a local real time weather layer and a power outage layer pulled into GE, so i can see how bad the coming storm is (w/ regards to power outages). You can definitely do a lot more with QGIS (and I do), but you don't need a 120 hp tractor to mow a 1/4 acre yard.


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