Chains front chains

   / front chains #1  


Jan 12, 2007
Last winter I got my L4400 with R-4 tires. I use the tractor for everything from mowing to plowing so I felt these tires would be a good compromise. I found that I would get stuck frequently often in shallow ditches and when trying to plow uphill. I got a set of rear chains. I heard many opinions about how rear chains or front chains or chains on all 4 are not good for the tractor. The rear chains helped some and got me through the winter. However I still don't have great traction, quite often the front wheels spin and I slide off the driveway. Would front chains be of any significant help. Is there any problems with using front chains?
   / front chains #2  
I have used front and rear chains on my BX22, BX23 and BX24. Here are a couple of photos of chains installed on my previous BX23. The chains help provide unbelievable traction under severe winter conditions and especially on the icy slopes. I am not aware of chains causing problems on these models.


  • 1-BX23_AgroTrend C48PBH.jpg
    1-BX23_AgroTrend C48PBH.jpg
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  • 2-BX23_AgroTrend C48PBH.jpg
    2-BX23_AgroTrend C48PBH.jpg
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   / front chains #3  
I have a L48 and have always used front chains never had a set on the back and have had no problems I also had a B21 for 5-6 years and front chains is all I ever ran on it mainly because they are quicker to put on and take off
   / front chains #4  
I've used chains front and back for years on my L5450 (similar power & weight to an L48 or M6800) - no adverse effects on the tractor from the chains that I'm aware of. As long as they are kept tight enough to stay reasonably centered on the tires, they are fine. If a front one gets loose its best to fix it before it works itself off and gets tangled. But even if it does, the chain gets the worst of it since the tractor is so heavy and strong. Not sure where the advice against running chains originates - maybe its on models where the rears can't be moved out for chain clearance?
   / front chains #5  
This is my first year running chains, so far so good. I'll know more when summer comes. These tractors are pretty tough I don't see front chains doing any damage.


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    Picture 035 (Large).jpg
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   / front chains #6  
Not to hijack the thread, but I'm curious what you have in the round white container out on the FEL.
   / front chains #7  
I just got my first ever set of chains from - the v-bar with every-other-link spacing. All I can say is MAN were they a biyotch to put on. I followed the instructions and then set out to plow. Within 5 minutes they had come off of two tires. Then there I was, in the middle of a pile of snow on my back trying to unhook them. Eventually I had to take all of the tires off to get them on properly. They still seem a little loose driving even tensioned as tight as I could by hand and using a big screwdriver for some extra torque. Maybe the tensioners they sell might solve the problem but I am tempted to go buy some small turnbuckles to solve the problem. Also on the BX24 the rear chains hit the backhoe, if you leave that on - which I do for some extra rear ballast.

I still have one more tire to take off but my hands were numb and I decided to take a break. Definitely not what I expected. They need a better way of attaching and tensioning these things. I can imagine them coming off of a car at 40 MPH rather than my tractor at 3 mph...
   / front chains #8  
Ah...I just had a great idea. I'm going to buy some cheap tiedowns from Home Depot, cut them short and use them to tension the chains. Should be a lot cheaper and easier than using their proprietary tensioning device. You can buy 4 for about $10 and I think 2-per-tire should be adequate.
   / front chains #9  
Get some of those black rubber tarp tie downs (like bungees) for about a buck apiece for the twelve or fifteen inch sizes. I put two or three on the inside of the wheels and about the same on the outside.They work great, and no big investment. I've lost a couple, but never had a chain slip off, plus no loose chain ends hitting the fenders.
Regards, Mike
   / front chains #10  
Great idea. I'll look into it. Heading down to the HD in a few minutes.