Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it?

   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #11  
There are plenty of natural gas conversions available for gas engines. I have installed a few on fuel trucks over the years, not all that complicated. Your main problem is going to be the facility you will need to use it. You will need a rather expensive high pressure explossion proof compressor and a storage tank system designed for natural gas. As Egon noted you also have to deal with the purity of the fuel.
   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #12  
We use CNG at work for our Forklifts some of the engines build a tar like substance in the intake manifold (Toyoda) the ones ruining the Vortex are ok
You will have to put in a compressor station we have 2 ingersol rand high pressure (45000 psi) 3 stage compressors at about 50 hp each (we need to keep about 30 trucks running on it) to store a good volume for a trip any were there isn't any refueling stations around the service guy even got away from a dual fuel vehicle.

   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #13  
I don't know where your located at But if your in a northern Climate gas conversion Would be best. With a electric heat pump you have a back up heat source. In you're case if your all electric its heat strips in your air handler. You can keep your heat pump And switch the air handler out for a gas furnace.
if it could were you live It well worth it. You'll Quickly make your money back. And it would be much cheaper than running your car on it. you could also get a used furnace for A barn or garage.
   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #14  
tommu56 said:
we have 2 ingersol rand high pressure (45000 psi) 3 stage compressors at about 50 hp each (we need to keep about 30 trucks running on it) to store a good volume for a trip any were there isn't any refueling stations around the service guy even got away from a dual fuel vehicle.

Wow, that is high pressure! Seriously are they running 4,500 PSI or even a lowly 450 PSI? I don't know a lot about CNG but I'm having a hard time imagining the pressure tank that can contain 45,000 PSI. I think the "ultimate" SCUBA tanks are now something like 10,000 PSI and typical SCUBA tanks are more like 3000-5000 PSI.

My friend who SCUBA dives told me that you always transport tanks in a car with the valve facing toward you or at a right angle from you, in case a valve fails the tank blasts off like a missile and you don't want it flying through you.
   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #15  
I'm having a hard time imagining the pressure tank that can contain 45,000 PSI

I guess I could be wrong, but I think that was a typo with an extra zero. I think CNG runs 3,000 to 4,000 psi. Of course your compressor would have to be capable of a little more, so I suspect it's 4,500 psi.
   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #16  
That sounds right.

After my brain started thawing, I realized that I do regularly deal with pressure vessels capable of containing 45,000 PSI - rifle barrels. But I'm still guessing the CNG is in the range you said, which is the exact same range typical of diving tanks.
   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #17  
Z-Michigan said:
My friend who SCUBA dives told me that you always transport tanks in a car with the valve facing toward you or at a right angle from you, in case a valve fails the tank blasts off like a missile and you don't want it flying through you.

Make sure you check out the Mythbusters episode in which they launched a welding gas cylinder into a block wall. It was a real hoot, and it made a nice round hole to boot.
   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #18  
Yea I had a typo its 4500 lbs scuba tanks about 10 ft ling 18" in diameter

   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #19  
coffeeman said:
Hi all

I have a gas well that is being drilled on my property near my house. The gas allowance for my use is 250,000 cubic feet.(I believe) I am wondering if this gas allocated for home heating could be used to power a car or truck? My house is heated with electric heat pumps. I hate to redo the whole heating system. But I don't want to waste the "free" gas. I was thinking it might be possible to compress the gas and somehow get a car or truck to run on it. I would keep car local.

Anyone have any ideas or info?

I'd just get a generater that RUNS ON NATURAL GAS and quit paying the electric bill too.
   / Gas well on farm. Can one run a car on it? #20  
There used to be a car that was converted to natural gas go by my place quite often.
There are a lot of old and some newer gos/oil wells on out past me in that area .
I always assumed the car was a test project of the independent well drillers in the area.