GC2610 - Hydrostat Pedal Service Bulletin - OUCH!

   / GC2610 - Hydrostat Pedal Service Bulletin - OUCH! #1  


New member
Jul 11, 2008
So I had my tractor in earlier this winter to have the pedal service bulletin work done on it. Pedals were noticably stiffer as I used it blowing snow over the winter but didn't think too much of it.

Grass-cutting season is in full swing and now the pedal pressure to maintain top speed is unbelivable. I'm tall so my knees are pretty-well bent when seated on this tractor. After a couple of hours of mowing am darn near crippled by leg/knee pain caused by this stiff pedal. On the other end of the spectrum, my wife (who is short) can't even get enough leverage to push the pedal all the way to full speed.

To top it off, the cruise control lever is so stiff that I literally have to hammer it on and off with my hand, so I haven't even been using that - which is making the leg/knee pain worse.

Lastly, the tractor is an absolute snail in reverse (hadn't noticed this as much when all I was doing was blowing snow up and down the lane.) I couldn't run over a slug in reverse - it would get away:confused2:

So - is this wrong? Did they not do something correct when the performed the S.B. work? Should I have to pay to have it brought in for service now that it has been six months? :(

Inquiring minds want to know!

   / GC2610 - Hydrostat Pedal Service Bulletin - OUCH! #2  
Does your tractor sit inside or outside when not in use?

And the 'pedal campaign' as far as I know was to add a grease fitting............Have you greased it?
   / GC2610 - Hydrostat Pedal Service Bulletin - OUCH! #3  
The bulletin was to change several components on the linkage. Yours is not adjusted correctly. I did this last summer and remember when it was done, I had to adjust the speed on reverse. I cheated a little, so it would go a little faster than it did. I would start with loosening the nut holding the "discs" for the crusie control in place. This nut need to be snug, but not so tight you can't work the lever easily. You just need it tight enoungh to hold the lever in place for the speed you are going.