Global Warming?

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   / Global Warming? #1,781  
Well then you have a confession to make too then don't you: you think science should be influenced by the scientists "optimism." What if the guy is on drugs? What if he has an agenda, which "optimism" and "pessimism" suggests. What if his wife has him sleeping in the dog house? What if he hates his boss but loves his mistress?

To me, having to admit he is wrong is an eye opener, but it happens, and I suppose there is some honor in the admission, but it should raise how certain did he maintain he was about his testimony at the time? But to get cutesy and say he was "too optimistic" implying that he was actually even MORE right than he stated just strains all credibility with me. You are free to think otherwise, but in a time where consensus it being touted as a part of science, I am starting to want to draw the line at "optimism" and/ or "pain due to hemorrhoids."
I think "too optimistic" is used as a conversational introductory or summative expression. I think your reponse is distorted.
   / Global Warming? #1,782  
I recall, somewhat painfully, how I once defended Ronnie Raygun. Don't usually admit such folly, but rejecting the influence of man made, global warming problems is an indication of a complete disconnect with the Earth. Gotta stop believing in the Flying Spaghetti Monster, et al.
   / Global Warming? #1,783  
If hes right about the one hes wrong about the other.

That's an absolute statement, that you absolutely can't prove. Unless of course you are an eminent environmental scientist with as yet unreleased data.
   / Global Warming? #1,784  
Richard Muller, a known skeptic has changed his mind.
But even for those liberal greenies that will glom onto this report take note, he says that local events such as the drought and heat wave have nothing, repeat nothing to do with the "tiny" global warming
If hes right about the one hes wrong about the other.

That's an absolute statement, that you absolutely can't prove. Unless of course you are an eminent environmental scientist with as yet unreleased data.
It is provable by inference ... but only in the direction of GW influencing major weather/climate. That is what I meant. NOT that a single or limited set of hot weather patterns indicate that GW is actually a fact.
   / Global Warming? #1,785  
The earth is not getting appreciably warmer. Whatever slight warming there was stopped about 10 years ago. Increasing temperature means more crops, longer growing seasons, larger cultivation bands. We now have seven billion people on earth. Imagine the problems if the earth were cooling. I'm concerned that the earth is not warming fast enough.
   / Global Warming? #1,786  
Just drought info.
Drier and hotter than it was in 2005.
   / Global Warming? #1,787  
Record Low Snow Extent
Jul 9, 2012; 4:22 PM ET
Snow cover extent in the northern hemisphere for June 2012 was the lowest in the 45-year record for June, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.590x682_07091843_figure5b.png

According to the NSIDC, this rapid and early retreat of snow cover exposes large, darker underlying surfaces to the sun early in the season, fostering higher air temperatures and warmer soils.

Warmer world.
   / Global Warming? #1,788  
Wow! 45 whole years of records, so how did Neanderthal get those early records those 45 long years ago? LOL
   / Global Warming? #1,790  
Record Low Snow Extent
Jul 9, 2012; 4:22 PM ET
Snow cover extent in the northern hemisphere for June 2012 was the lowest in the 45-year record for June, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.<snip>
According to the NSIDC, this rapid and early retreat of snow cover exposes large, darker underlying surfaces to the sun early in the season, fostering higher air temperatures and warmer soils.

Warmer world.

One of the BIG problems with warmer soils is the release of methane from permafrost type soils. Arctic methane release - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It looks like "reading comprehension" is an issue for some people, so, I provided you a little teevee screen that I'm sure will attract your attention.

James Hansen: Extreme Heat Events Connected to Climate Change - YouTube

So often it is not reading comprehension but inability to click on a link.
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