Global Warming?

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   / Global Warming? #1,971  
If you're looking for proof, proof beyond a shadow of a doubt, or indisputable truth, stop looking because it's just not there..

Yes, there is no proof. Studies all say things like likely, possible, could be. etc. I personally question man's influence on climate change, it's hard for me to believe we can have that much influence on weather. I do believe, however, the climate change debate has taken away people's focus on things that we do know we influence. I know what a dirty river looks like. I can go not very far from my home to see the effects of acid rain on plant life. We had an incinerator not far from my home not too many years ago that made people sick and poisoned the ground and air while burning spent torpedo fuel. I know firsthand what a landfill does to the groundwater around it. These are things that we have an influence on and can change. The scientists will tell you that the climate has changed dramatically since the earth began, since before they believe man was around.

I guess cleaning a river or keeping poisons out of groundwater is not as profitable as sell carbon credits.:2cents:


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   / Global Warming? #1,972  
Mother nature is destructive and poisons the environment all the time on a gigantic scale, all man's activities are small and insignificant

   / Global Warming? #1,974  
A set records around a century old, while the ice sheets have been there for millennia, so we have no idea what the worst melting is/was, we just know in the last little blink of an eye.
   / Global Warming? #1,975  
People that believe in AGW are locked in to it, they can see no other possibility, however those that don't have the whole world of evidence and possibilities to study and understand what happens. So who has their heads in the sand?

What the AGW people seem to miss is that most of us don't argue that there is warming, of course the earth warms. It also cools and freezes, always has, always will.

I know I woke up this morning and it was frikken cold outside, o wait, Fall has fallen.
So I guess this is global cooling, and next Spring we will have global warming..... AGAIN
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