Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #201,831  
Grandson 13 broke his ankle stepping into a hole yesterday. Currently at Johns Hopkins hospital. Hope to get an update soon
Hope he heals fast.

Found out a smart kid from a poor family is getting to come to the college I work at. I'm so happy for her/them.

Thanks for the prayers guys.

Have my student workers at work doing different things. 1 is doing autodesk fusion work for me, another is updating a Wire EDM instruction word file, and the 3rd is updating spreadsheets that show which classes at which times for each classroom in our building.

Got my MRI today for my lower spine. At first she sent me head first deep into the tube. I asked if I could be turned around and my head was just barely in the tube. MUCH BETTER. I was doing my best not to get claustrophobic at first, but turning me around made all the difference in the world. Hope the doc can figure out why my legs get so painful when I stand too long or try to walk more than 1/4 mile at a time. It just doesn't make sense to me, because I can stand in one area and return tennis balls to my son, maybe moving over 3 steps or so. But then after 10-15 minutes, I need to take a break and sit down. Doesn't feel like joint pain, although I have messed my knees up multiple times. I'm wondering if it could be micro clotting?

Prayers for Buppies and wifey, our team, Israel, Ukraine and our Country.
   / Good morning!!!! #201,834  
Good evening all. 27ºF for the start, mostly clear sky, Light breeze. Light winds, mostly clear sky, and high temp was 54ºF. Made coffee to start day, Grief Share, Cleaning ladies forgot check yesterday, hung around for when they came by but didn't hear them. Did get 4 more bills paid, bike ride after lunch, no nap in case they came. Less than productive day.
Ron sorry about the cold. Hope good session on the bike. Pileated woodpecker?
NHBX glad good shopping trip. Hope something interesting came along.
Billy sorry most of January below normal temps. Glad you got a hike and got wood split. Hope you have plenty of dead trees to drop/
Thomas hope good day at parts store.
Spike56 front half of pic remind me of SR-71.
Mike exciting agenda :(
Frits prayers for grandson. interesting behavior for fuel gauge on tractor. I didn't know raccoons would freeze in light.
Dennis sorry it going to get so cold. Glad pellet stove helping out.
Bill sorry Junior need to see quack. Good luck with door latch.
Drew sorry about the sneezing glad antihistamine worked. Sorry Cadillac is a no go. nice pic. Good luck car shopping.
Scott(vt) sorry not much sun, we have a lot of sunny days here in TX. Hope test went well.
Ken sorry not feeling well. hope you fine your motivation.
Don sorry you are getting cold also.Hope you can do some Firewise work and try out new parts :)
Happy(NC) adding shoes to the back blade will help do a good job with gravel. Anything will work on pavement, I used angled back blade for years. Glad you got to see mars and moon rise from inside house.
Buppies hope you found something of interest. Prayers sent.
David sorry plan not renewable. No Idea, don't often have protection plan. Glad HH good. Sorry about road, wonder if he will improve on it.Hope you got switch done.
Drew glad you found a good car. 3 different brand it must be having blowouts. Sorry about license.
Dennis glad not a lot of wind. Good to hear plenty pellets on porch now. Good to hear brother checking on your dad.
Scott(vt) good news on the test. I think at 79 that can be someone else's problem.
Lou nice of you to help Drew :)
Lou sorry solar charger quit charging.
Dennis sorry pipeline talks not going well. They may well have access to using eminent domain, that would explain their lack of negotiation.
Don thanks for info on pipelines.
Dennis thanks for details.
Randy(wag) congratulations, you have graduated to the big time :)
Buppies sorry not much accomplished.
Kyle prayers for your mom. Glad MRI went well. My BIL had issue that weren't found until they took standing X-ray.
prayer for all, especially Jay/Peg, Kyle /Daughter, /mom's breathing, /son's migraines, Bird /aging issues, Mike /BIL in FL, Ron /heart, David(moss) /remodel, /divorce, Buppies /cancer,parathyroid,blood sugar /wife, Thomas /gout, Phil /reflux, Frits /veteran son with mental issues, /granddaughter with Evans Syndrome, Ken /dad dementia, /chronic fatigue, Diet not working, Randy(wag) /sister stoke, Steppenwolfe /son-auto immune disorder, Grev /wife's eye, Ted /knee recovery, /retirement & disability red tape, /family issues, /wife back issues and cancer, Lou /eye issues, /heart issues, /wife hip replacement, Doug and wife/health issues, / hand nerve and surgery, /fall and recovery, / wife headaches and heart eval, / David(sadamo)/Sophie's hip or leg pain, /back issue, Scaredy/shoulder dislocation, /marriage dissolving, / friend stop drinking, Dennis /retirement, /neighbor issues, /brother's lymphoma, /dad surgery recovery, Drew /back operation issues, /friend's wife cancer diagnosis and recovery, Scotty /back pain, Helogabals /wife's friend situation, Fatjay /father broken hip, Israel, Ukraine war, hurricane victims, and Country.
   / Good morning!!!! #201,835  
Poured first cup of hot coffee. 10° with cloudy skies this morning. Heading to 22° with cloudy skies and westerly wind. Got house cleaned and laundry done. Even got it folded and put away. Off to semi annual dentist appointment this morning. Then see what shows up in when I get home.
Finally got as cloud free sight of January Wolf Full Moon.

Everyone stay safe and well.

Good Morning All.
   / Good morning!!!! #201,836  
good morning all
should be a nice cold clear day today, high in 30's.
other than foodshopping this morning, no plans for today
slow waking up, hot coffee hits the spot

special prayers for Ted and Dona, hope they both are doing ok.

friends in NC want me to visit them, need to schedule that
with the car I don't mind driving in winter.
I will have to get new tires for the new to me car though, 1500 for a set of Pirelli all seasons.
Tire Rack was surprisingly 20 dollars a tire more expensive than my local dealer, business I like very much, so
after a chat with dealer, said I'd make appt for next week, including a front end alignment.
125 for alignment seems like decent investment to keep new tires around longer.
Old line tire dealer, Kershaw & Fritz, in Doylestown same place for a long time.
And they are always busy.
I know it's weird....but I've always liked the smell of new tires.

I have an unlimited warranty for three months on this vehicle, otherwise totally out of regular warranty.
Definitely going to take big plastic cover off engine and look around for upper end leaks.
When I'm getting tires, going to ask if I can inspect bottom of car when up on lift.
Also, might have Popgadget put his fancy code reader on my OBD and see what history is hiding.
going online need to learn all ecoboost issues, what to look for.
for sure, everyone says don't go ten thousand on oil changes and I can see that was done on this car due to
waiting for oil life light to come on. Was also surprised to find a recommended 30k mile fluid swap on the new 10 speed
transmission. That seems like a very low number but seems if you flush more often, less problems. I also doubt the secondary differentials
have been serviced, will get that done too. The guy who works on my motorhome will likely also work on this car, particularly since I saw his wife drives an expedition. Otherwise, would take to dealer but that just means a major fishing expedition for them. Not sure maintenance info on Carfax accurate so will assume nothing has been done. Pretty sure lot of delayed maintenance here, they traded car first.

going to order some cedar boards for birdhouses today. I get 1x10s and 1x6's, usually cut in half so they fit in car.
I see two full bottles of glue on shelf but doubt they are ok, probably hard as a rock. Don't think glue likes getting frozen
   / Good morning!!!! #201,837  
Mostly, yes it is a pileated woodpecker.
   / Good morning!!!! #201,839  
Good morning all,
18° now highs in mid 20’s and mostly sunny today. Winds NW 10-20 mph some higher gusts.

Never did get out of house yesterday, got drafted to help clean and put up new shower curtain and rod. I did get rewarded with a roast chicken, taters and carrots for supper.

Today will try to get diesel and gas cans filled, need to run the truck and shake the critters out of it anyway. Probably do a quick dump run and then feet up.

Ron - nice moon pic, love to see the pileated’s around but doesn’t seem to be as many as usual. Probably something to do with all the building going on around here.

Drew- congrats on the new vehicle.

Enjoy your day everyone
Stay safe and healthy
Prayers for all
   / Good morning!!!! #201,840  
19 inching up to 35. Not getting warm enough to melt all the snow yet.

Rip, I know what you mean about the coyotes...I've found their tracks in the snow, but no skunks. I think they've eaten them. I haven't seen but one skunk all year on my trail cams...last year there were at least 5 different looking ones.

Scott, congrats on passing the test! I hope the 27% you missed isn't the salmonella part. :ROFLMAO:

BEF, when I negotiated with the power company to build a solar installation on the family farm, I added a small escalation clause assuming inflation. They were very reluctant, stating it was unnecessary, since at that time inflation was under 2%, but now shows how important that was, especially on a long-term lease. Good luck.

Another hike to the river yesterday with Della...the trail had gotten pretty icy from lots of boot tracks and from some melting on Monday's upper 40s temps. My trail runner shoes had great grip, so didn't need to use the micro spikes.

Cleaned out old files...about a foot tall stack of paper. Too much to shred, so some to the recycle container, and some with personal info to the woodstove. Cleaned out some other old things. Trying to make a real stab of "downsizing" a couple of rooms. Much more to do.
Ron, best moon pic yet.

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