Good morning!!!!

   / Good morning!!!! #45,441  
Don The family member we take care of loves to watch Andy Griffith so we have them all on tape. On one show Howard is talking about how he is going to take it easy when he retires and then realizes how boring it would be just sitting around and puttering ...... I keep thinking about that show. Sitting by the pool and drinking tea sounds good every now and then but That can't be your main activity. I'll have to figure out something, never had a house in the city before, don't know what to expect.
Glad the hoe is covered. Ed

Out here, because of the distance to everything and the amount of upkeep on a "place", there has to be a plan "B". My parent's plan "B" was to have their sons help or hire it out. They also worry of having nothing to do but every time they do something they hurt for days. If something happens to one of them they will be forced to come up with an emergency plan "B" - not a good situation. My plan "B" is to move to a active retirement comunity something like a Del Webb community with lots of activities to choose from.
I have lived in the city so I know what to expect and all about HOAs. Not the very best but . . . .

There should be a "Perfect" retirement community for us Tractor guys. What would it require?

1. A comunity green area and gardens to be maintain by the ones who can still operate machinery.
2. Metal shop
3. Wood shop
4. Bike and hike trails
5. Pools and gym
6. Travel club
7. RV club
8. Good Morning Club

(feel free to add more)
   / Good morning!!!! #45,442  
Tragic fire in Canada gets me to wondering about how there are disasters all around us, yet our ancestors probably didn't worry so much about them because news just didn't travel far or fast or with the graphic instant video detail we experience today.

Roy, glad to see you weathered another one of those long days from Vermont to central Ct, corporate trainng, and return. Is that a regular occurrence for you?

The Mustang passed its emission check yesterday as I expected. It's been the most reliable vehicle I have ever owned- no maintenance other than tires and oil changes, filters, etc in 14 years. Gonna sell it though, because I certainly don't need it and my F250 in retirement, especially since my wife has the Flex for transporting the grandchildren and a Ranger as her work truck.

Not much on the agenda for today. Hope to finish up some computer code for a project for a friend, maybe pick up another big pile of acorns on the lawn that's been sitting in the rain. Weatherman and maps suggest today will be mostly rain free, but it's sure cool and gloomy out there.

Have a great day, everyone.
   / Good morning!!!! #45,444  
I would add:

-A field for flying kites and R/C aircraft
-Animals that could be cared for by those who want to and enjoyed by those who couldn't
   / Good morning!!!! #45,445  
44 this morning and headed to 63. Forecasts keeps saying cloudy today but suns out and not a cloud to be seen. We'll see.

Got several cedar poles cut yesterday. Now to turn them into post. Think it's enough for 9 posts, not bad for just making my path around my fences wide enough for the Ranger.

Have a couple more to do today then work on brush piles. So more dozer time. After I care for chickens and cows of course. Then it's fix fence and turn in cows. Need to spray those fences sometime also.

Hadn't heard about Alberta. But sounds like their plan is for it to just burn what it will. As the article said unchecked fire. Bad for residents even if natural.
   / Good morning!!!! #45,446  
Yep, bad fire. Ft. McMurray has been completely evacuated.
   / Good morning!!!! #45,447  
Good morning,
42 now. Bright sunshine mid 60s this afternoon then 80 tomorrow and nothing below 64 for a high the next week. Three days with rain.

Need to mow but still awful wet for even the small 48" Husky let alone the big 72" mower. I wonder how long it will be before the power company does something with that pole now that they agree it is compromised by the water washing out the dirt next to it?

My Friend has his model train shells in the mail for me to blast. No plans for today.

Wife and I have experienced and survived a F5 tornado in 1990 and a flood in 1996. At least in both cases there was something left you could go to. BUT Fire, has to be the worst. After one there is nothing but ashes. Prayers for those in the fires way in Alberta.
   / Good morning!!!! #45,448  
Good Morning! 56F @ 5:45AM. Cloudy skies this morning followed by scattered showers and thunderstorms during the afternoon. High 72F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.

We had a series of thunderstorms tracking north to the west of us yesterday afternoon and evening, and after dark one of them was really putting on a show. One of the neighbors farther up the canyon somehow caught this flash:


Don, if you can't find DeOxIt, Amazon has it. But simply unplugging the relay or leads to the ignition switch and then plugging them in again my break through the corrosion that is causing the problem (if that is indeed the problem). But the DeOxIt will keep the corrosion at bay longer, and may be your only hope if the corrosion is deep inside the ignition switch where you can't reach the contacts. BTW, sometimes DeOxIt takes a while to work, as in a few hours, so don't give up hope if you don't get immediate results.

I'd also be tempted to straighten that bowed cylinder with a porta power, but only if I could figure out where the force that bent it was applied, and I could apply the porta power in pretty much the opposite direction. If that were the case, it would be a lot easier doing that then screwing around getting the tractor to the dealer and then trusting them to make the proper repair. :2cents:

Yesterday I mowed, or tried to mow, the steepest parts of the property. Because the flail mower is shorter than the brushog, I had to get farther up the slope and kept losing traction. When all four tires broke loose at the same time it made for some interesting slides. I'll either have to weed eat the missed spots, or try again once the cut grass has had a chance to dry out. I also don't recall cutting the grass when it was this green before, and the wet tires are a dead give away as to what's causing the traction loss. But I can't see waiting any longer this year, as the grass is over two feet high in many places and really bogs down the mower unless I crawl through it.

The fire folks keep telling us we should stop using power tools outside after 10AM to reduce the chance of sparking a fire. I've been compromising and stopping at noon. Then spend the afternoon removing the interior of the Vanagon. That's almost done, and somehow I've managed to fit all the cabinets and other pieces into the storage trailer. All the while taking lots of photos and putting fasteners and such in marked plastic bags. Next to come off is the pop up roof, and it looks like that'll need to be done outside the garage. The pop up is hitting the garage door opener, and the Vanagon is in the only place it'll fit. I just need to figure out a way to roll the thing out of the garage without losing it down the hill and into Lake Oroville. :laughing:
   / Good morning!!!! #45,449  
Out here, because of the distance to everything and the amount of upkeep on a "place", there has to be a plan "B". My parent's plan "B" was to have their sons help or hire it out. They also worry of having nothing to do but every time they do something they hurt for days. If something happens to one of them they will be forced to come up with an emergency plan "B" - not a good situation. My plan "B" is to move to a active retirement comunity something like a Del Webb community with lots of activities to choose from.
I have lived in the city so I know what to expect and all about HOAs. Not the very best but . . . .

There should be a "Perfect" retirement community for us Tractor guys. What would it require?

1. A comunity green area and gardens to be maintain by the ones who can still operate machinery.
2. Metal shop
3. Wood shop
4. Bike and hike trails
5. Pools and gym
6. Travel club
7. RV club
8. Good Morning Club

(feel free to add more)

And it's only $10,000 a month! :D
   / Good morning!!!! #45,450  
Morning number 10 of cloudy, cool and dreary weather, highs in the 50's. Thankfully a couple of afternoons were decent. 3+ inches of rain the last few days, not had to water flowers in over a week.

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