wasn't there an old wive's tale that drinking a glass of grapefruit juice would wash all that bad fat away?
A magic elixir...
Eat like a pig and then wash the bad stuff away.
I got jabbed by the arthritis doc yesterday who said I had lost only one pound since the last time I saw him, and my number one priority was to lose
twenty pounds. Same advice as last time. This time, I'm going to surprise him, and maybe myself, and get it done.
He told me I wouldn't be able to keep doing what I was doing much longer unless I lost the weight. Not sure how that will help my
aching neck; does going on a diet shrink the weight of one's head?
But it does apply to the arthritis now going into my feet, making it harder to walk for hours on end. It's that mobility I worry the most about.
All I have to do is pick up a twenty pound sack of bird seed to quickly see what I am hauling around unnecessarily.
Getting rid of that would sure lighten my step.
All common sense and yet not so easy to do. Requires focus and attention and it seems that is often elsewhere.
I just have to stay out of the fast food places. They draw me in like a magnet. No fast food, no ice cream, it's a matter of no no's.
Agree on enough of them and only the good food is left.