Got embarressed refilling Viagra

   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #61  
The exwife and I had two kids and didn't want anymore. So it was up to her and me to have a vasectomy. We went and had a talk with the Dr. and he filled us in on the pro and cons and I had to wait one week to think about it. Well I went and said lets do it. It was ok for the wife to set next to me when he done it. After he said after we had done it 10 times to bring in a sample to be tested. The wife then ask what time he closed. Well the wife, nurse, and him cranked up, just a rolling!! I didn't think it was at all. When I got home I wasn't happy at all, he screwed up and he had castrated me.

Note The last part about being castrated is not true, but the 1st part is. And we all most made the 10 times then after that it was forget for a week..
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #62  
According to a friend who happens too work in law enforcement they just came out with viagra in a suppository form . I quit shakin his hand when I see him just in case ! :laughing:
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #63  
A couple of weeks ago I came down with a really runny nose. I had bought some Coriciden but it wasn't really doing the job. I stopped in where my wife always buys her drugs and talked to her friend/pharmacist there and she sent me home with some allergy medication that she said she used.

I took one pill and no more runny nose so I told my wife to tell her friend that the little blue pill had worked really well. We laughed.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #64  
I've always had bad luck. I thought I was eating candy but it was someone's Viagra.

Desperate, I went to a hooker. I dropped my pants-- and she dropped her price!
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #65  
I'm sure that everyone has heard about the nursing home that gave all their male residents a glass of warm milk and a Viagra every night. The warm milk helped them go to sleep and the Viagra kept them from rolling out of the bed!

:laughing: :laughing:
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #66  
Viagra comes in three forms and strengths
25 mg tablet
50 mg tablet
100 mg tablet
These are easily available online and one can buy viagra online without any hassle.
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   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #67  
My High School Science Teachers Wife worked at the only general store in town. I would steal the condoms and pay for them later when the male owner was working. Small towns could be embarrassing.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #68  
Unfortunately - I had an experience very similar to 2Lane - post#11. The wife was ill and I did the shopping. After standing there, in the isle, for what seem like forever - one of the female checkers came over and offered help. I was so embarrassed/befuddled - I was speechless. She said - " if you need help, come and find me". I grabbed the closest product and made a B-line for the check out.

My face felt like an over stoked coal fired stove...... I survived, but will never forget.
   / Got embarressed refilling Viagra #69  
What’s that?
I don’t need no stinkin viagra lol (said like Blazing Saddles)
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