Great Blue Heron

   / Great Blue Heron #1  


Veteran Member
Nov 30, 2002
East Concord, NY
John Deere 4320, Kubota BX2680
Took these yesterday from my back deck.




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   / Great Blue Heron #3  
Here, we can get a permit to shoot the damthings, you can keep them there...

   / Great Blue Heron #5  
Neighboring gentlemans farm has a pond and 5 black angus. The blue heron hangs out by the pond and occasionally wander up near where the steer lay in the field. They get up and chase the Blue Heron around the pasture. It flaps its giant wings and runs, just barely able to escape the cattle. This goes on and on week after week. I swear itslike theyre doing it for fun!:laughing:
   / Great Blue Heron #6  
I don't know if it's one, or several, but I see it/them around the wet areas. Never standing though ... it/they always see me long before I get close and take to the air.
   / Great Blue Heron #7  
Nice. We got a 1/2 acre pond bordering a creek, we get herons, egrots, and cranes visiting occasionally.
   / Great Blue Heron #8  
Hardly ever see blue around here but grey's seen often,wonder if snapping turtle ever caught heron. :confused:
   / Great Blue Heron #9  
I have one that likes to hang around my pond. Have not seen him yet this year, but he comes every year.



Was surprised to seem him at the top of a 100' pine.
   / Great Blue Heron #10  
I will usually get one. Down on the far end of my little lake. Doesn't stay long - just passing thru. One year I got an Egret. Being snow white it stuck out like a sore thumb.

Why in the world would you feel it was necessary to shoot these birds - Sawyer Rob?

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