guage wheels

   / guage wheels #1  


Veteran Member
Mar 14, 2004
BX 23
I bought my rake and have used it, works great, but now I am thinking I might want to do some things that the hydraulics just are not fine tuned enough. So I check with my KK dealer, does over 200.00 sound right for guage wheels, and can somoene handy with welder do the same with something from TSC, as long as it remains adjustable? Any hints, helps, or photos please.
   / guage wheels #2  

I have a set of gauge wheels on 84" Land Pride rake. The price was closer to $300. Land Pride has 2 different sets of wheels. The difference is tire width. I got the wide set. Tires look to be about 10" wide.
There is a small picture on their site. Click Here May not show enough detail to make a set from.
I believe you can make a set for less than $200.
   / guage wheels #3  
$200 sounds pretty fair to me. I paid around $250 for my Landpride guage wheels. The hassle of trying to create a set that will work and work properly would not be worth it "to me". I have much more important things to spend my time on
I would just buy them and be done with it.
Thats my 2 cents worth. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
   / guage wheels #5  
I have a Kodiak rake and paid about $285 for a nice set of wheels. Don't let the price deter you, it was WELL worth the money.
   / guage wheels
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Thanks guys. I will add that to my want list, since it is now way up in the year till I get any of it. Something called the Alternative Minumum tax for the feds has decided my next couple of checks are theirs to squander. You know about the time you make enough to make a living, some govt agency wants more of it...........makes living and working hard to do.
   / guage wheels #7  
So if you turn the rake around, do you have to remove the gage wheels??????

   / guage wheels #8  
My 72" Landpride rake, "Will Not" spin around with the guage wheels on it. I would need to remove one of the guage and support arms each time I wanted to spin it.
But to answer your question. No, I don't think that you would need to remove your guage wheels to use the rake in reverse, as long as everythinbg clears.
   / guage wheels #9  
RonR- I have a Woods Estate Series landscape rake that I use with the BX - to spin it around, I remove one of the wheels (pretty easy - a hitch clip - I think that's what it's called - holds the wheel asembly), spin the rake, wheel back on in less time that it took to type this.
By the way, my favorite auxilary tool for the rake is a 3 foot length of 3/4 plastic conduit that I keep tucked in the rake frame - great for removing stuff that gets caught in the tines without leaving your seat!
And, if you are thinking of buying a rake - consider the fact that the BX doesn't lift very high - look at the Woods Estate Series, and, from what I've heard, the King Kutter "X" line of attachments, possibly Rhino, and others who target sub-compact tractors. Much more that 5 feet will probably give you a problem in spinning it around - you'll hit the tires or the lift mechanism; a regular height rake won't lift high enough to be useful in some circumstances.

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