Guess what?

   / Guess what? #1  


Veteran Member
Oct 2, 2006
I took the TC45DA (cab) out again today and guess what? for the 3rd straight time something broke (less than 10 total hours on it, half of them by the dealer trying to figure it out)
What a Piece
I took it back to the dealer, I told them to get a hold of the New Holland rep, cuz I've had it. :mad:
Either give me my money back, or get me a different tractor, one that works, cuz this one is total junk.

And this time, I've got a loaner (no cab, but nonetheless not mine)
   / Guess what? #2  
LoneCowboy said:
I took the TC45DA (cab) out again today and guess what? for the 3rd straight time something broke (less than 10 total hours on it, half of them by the dealer trying to figure it out)
What a Piece
I took it back to the dealer, I told them to get a hold of the New Holland rep, cuz I've had it. :mad:
Either give me my money back, or get me a different tractor, one that works, cuz this one is total junk.

And this time, I've got a loaner (no cab, but nonetheless not mine)

****, been reading some of your threads, hope you get some good resolution soon.
   / Guess what? #3  
What all did brake on your tractor?
   / Guess what? #4  
Brian, buy a new tractor tomorrow. Hopefully 7-7-07 will be a good day for you as you have not been having a good year so far:(
   / Guess what? #5  
glad to hear you got a loaner THIS time.... NOt so happy that you had to have a "this time".....

whatd you get to use? another TC45?

Put me in line with the other guys that are intrested to hear the run down of problems.

I remember one was a pinched cooler line? due to cab install which wouldnt be normal for most of us no-cab peeps....
   / Guess what?
  • Thread Starter
It gets worse
Now the TN (which had the pinched line) went down today. Fuel starvation problem. They fiddled with it for 1/2 an hour, cuoldn't get it (and I already replaced the fuel filter (which was clean). Probably the tank has to come out. AT least it has 60+ hours on it though.

The TC45DA (cab) which I bought new locally has a grand total of 9 hours on it in 3 weeks. I've had it for a grand total of 5 of those days. The rest of hte time it's been at the shop.

Started with blowing a fuse when you used cruise control, that turned into an entire wiring harness replacement.
Then the top of the transmission housing had a leak, so that got replaced. (the transmission housing)
It overheated (still does, runs very hot, now they think it's the gauge, because they replaced the sender)
Then, after finally getting that back, I take it out to another job and while the cruise control works, it slowly drops down so you are doing about 1mph (not what you set it at), esp if you hit a bump
And, the position control doesn't stay in position.
So, I take it over, they say, can you live without CC for a day, i say sure, they say bring it in tomorrow, so I take it to the next job.
Where it proceeds to lose rabbit/turtle (would not shift up) and would barely get out of it's own way. Literally crawling up this hill, turtle-1 gear and wouldn't do more than like 1mph, black smoke pouring out. 45hp tractor shouldn't slow down pulling a 6' shredder up a hill. My massey might struggle, but it's only 33hp and it still would have gone faster.

Beyond livid. I've given up, I"ve told them to get the rep and either get me my money back or get me a new tractor, because that one is a complete piece.

BTW, my MF 1433, that I bought in OK, that cost 1/2 what this TC45 does, has 360 hours on it and has had a grand total of 1 thing go wrong with it. (PTO switch died, $50 repair)

I'm starting to not like NH's.:(
   / Guess what? #7  
I know how you are feeling but what seems strange is that your problems are not common problems with these tractors (well at least I have not heard of them before). Best of luck to you and make sure you at least buy a lotto ticket tomorrow.
   / Guess what? #8  
Please tell us where you bought that piece. Sounds like a terrible place. Did they ever give you you're money back on the hose problem?

Are these the first NH's you bought? Sorry for all your trouble. I haven't read or heard of anything like this happening. Sorry it's happening to you.
   / Guess what? #9  
Your last set of problems on the 45 seem like they stem from the transmission housing replacement. It is likely that your local shop may be less than effective.

Your experience has given me the chills, and I hope you get relief. I would remind them that this is your livelihood, and you need immediate relief.

   / Guess what?
  • Thread Starter
Gets better
Get a call this morning from the dealer "hey, we can't recreate these last 3 issues, we want you to take it and then we'll go up with you on your next customers"

Umm, you can't recreate it?
I drive over, I say "let's hook up a mower" (since that's how it always happens). I hook it up, i drive off down the median strip and within a 100 feet, the mower is draggin in the dirt and i'm doing about 1mph
I go back
"what's the problem, I can make it happen, you drive, I'll show you"
So i did and they agree that "yep, that sure is happening"


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