Hi All,
I have a question. What exactly is a power rake good for? Can it till a garden as good as a tiller? Can it replace a Land plane/grader scraper?
I have no experience with this tool. Love to hear your opinions and see pics of your projects.
It can till a garden yes, but that is not what it's really designed for, so it won't do as good of a job as a dedicated tiller. It can also grade, level, remove rocks/debris, and prepare a site for lawn installation. It is a very helpful tool, at a very expensive price. It can not cut a ditch like a rear blade, but it can level material and spread material like a rear blade.
It can not knock down small trees and do very rough work like heavy duty box blade, but it can grade and move material like a box blade.
Regarding replacing a land plane, "it depends". I've used my power rake as a land plane to remove rocks and level/smooth a driveway or woods trails. However, if you want to smooth your driveway, and NOT remove rocks (perhaps you have a lot of base rock near the surface) then it wouldn't be great, as you will pull up a lot more rocks than you imagine.
The main thing it is good for, is grading, removing debris and rocks, and leaving a virtually perfect finished surface for whatever you will be putting on top of it. The big advantage is that it can do it all in one or two passes. It's a time saving machine that gives a higher quality finish that many other tools.
I haven't used a piece of equipment that can do what a power rake can do, as well as it can do it, as quickly as it can do it.
Here is a before and after of a small area cleared, then ready for seed.
And some more close up photos of the the unit. The power rake can be adjusted so large debris can fit through it, or only minimal debris, depending on what you want to accomplish.