HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them?

   / HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them? #21  
First better make sure foam ain't soy based. Mice love dat snack food.

Second look up Thein Seperator. Build 1 and connect to shop vac or better industrial straight blade blower.

You gotta go cheap, hunt up a old Kirby and hook it into de suck line bout half way to de collector. Nice thing bout Kirby, replacement parts are available from Power Flite.

You go messin wid kooon crap you want positive incoming air and good respirator. Not bad idea to have safety man watchin yer back, koons can get very nasty.
Keep in mind, EVERYTHING goes throughs the fan on a Kirby, (it's not a bypass system) and the vac is a sealed unit. I've probably replaced 50 of those fans...

   / HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them?
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tennant.jpg This thing has a nice Kubota Diesel Engine, some commercial hydrostat, and is cheap!

Leant my lady friend my 4 stroke Makita blower to do the leaves around her small in-town house. she complains it gets heavy. Maybe I could surprise her with this baby! She lives down the road from the municipal office/works yard. I'm sure the boys would be talking.

Anyway. Spoke with a guy at Tennant that actually has one of these at home to do his leaves. He does not know if the styrofoam will simply be sucked through the impeller and not stay in the bag.

Also said, you can't suck dirt (there goes my excavation notion) as you will sandblast the impeller! $1000.00 CDN!
   / HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them? #24  
I couldn't resist posting a humorous vacuum video.

(see post 26)
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   / HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them?
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Just got a sign-in page???

This search of mine isn't going well. Seems all the little diesel vacs are for litter only. Saw that a vacuum excavation truck has three stages of seperation. The litter vacs don't even have a filter. I would like to get something and kill two birds with one stone. Get something that can help me excavate around a lot of utiliites when I bury my new water line.

Thought of a dust collection system, but I'm guessing they have more volume capability than suction.

It's also really hard doing searches for vacuumes. A lot of hits.
   / HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them?
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I tried (but failed) to get my lady friend to go halvsies on the Diesel Litter Vac. That could change her mind. Or not. lol

I'm curious if spraying a clothing antistatic type spray on collected styrofoam bits would take their charge away.
   / HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them? #28  
I'm afraid the million bits of styrofoam will quickly block any filter. AND, I would love to have them go into a burnable bag, rather than try and remove these statically charged bits from a canister along with the raccoon poop!
you can build a particle separator with another 5 gal. bucket.
Lots of u-toob vids on how to make them.
You can use a trash bag in that one and just fill-n-dump. Much cheaper then buying a big system.
   / HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them?
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Thanks. I thought of that but didn't what to search for. "Particle Separator"?
   / HD Shop Vacs, Anyone know much about them? #30  
Ermator vacumes has hepa filter and a infinate trash bag on the bottom . When it gets full you just tie it off and pull down more bag .They start at 1,500$ and go up to $15,000.:eek: We have them in work they are the only vacs that hold up to the abuse.:drink: