Hearing aid selection.

   / Hearing aid selection. #11  
Beware of shysters! Must be one heck of a mark-up on hearing aids, kind of like on mattresses! First audiologist said she needed $4400 worth. Went mail-order for $1200 and are having great results. They even mask the ringing in one ear.

You will definitely want a dessicant to place them in at night to help them dry out and also a hearing aid vacuum to keep them clean. Audiologists want to service them for you, for a fee, of course. We live 125 miles from an Audiologist so prefer to clean our own.
   / Hearing aid selection. #12  
I have Oticon behind the ear for two years now. I think the key is find a good audiologist and get aids to amplify
the frequency's you have lost. I went ten years or so without hearing birds, couldnt even hear squirrels bark when hunting, hard to understand speech, especially in noisy places. And I highly recommend getting volume control for the times you are in a place like a high school gym during a game.

   / Hearing aid selection. #13  
Audiologists want to service them for you, for a fee, of course.

Of course, I'm sure I paid a big price for my Beltones, but service is then free for several years and as often as I want.
   / Hearing aid selection. #14  
I had my hearing tested and got aids six or seven years ago, got the aids for less than $2000, got retested a little over a year ago by the same audioligist. I was told that I needed new aids, $5400 for the pair. A friend suggested Costco so made an appointment and was given a more thourough test than I got at the audiologist. I got new RIC bluetooth aids made by AN Resound $1799 for the pair. Service and retesting is free, consumables are free and they sell batteries, 48 for $8.49, last me about 6 months. Costco also has the same type aids made by Rexton for $1699 for the pair.
   / Hearing aid selection. #15  
My wife has Oticon, she's had hearing aids for 30 years. All have been behind the ear. Her Oticon's are 2 or 3 years old now and already out of date. They were close to state of the art at the time but tech changes so quickly. As mentioned, find a good audiologist to walk you through the best type for you. So many options now too like remote control, bluetooth and multiple settings for different environments.

As for your wife, sadly she will have to get used to it because the hearing aids can only do so much. Other noises interfere and sometimes you will not have them on. Just today my wife said "shh you're too loud" because she had just put the aids on then awhile later in the car she says "what?" with me speaking a similar volume. Gotta have patience.
   / Hearing aid selection. #16  
I have a friend who got free hearing aids. He's a retired marine. I'm also a veteran but didn't even check with the VA. I'd rather not deal with them as I can afford my own.


I object to paying taxes to finance people who see welfare as a lifestyle.
I have no objection to paying taxes to finance any vet who was prepared to put their life on the line for their country.
Different Country, same rules.
My Father had top of the line hearing aids, you couldn't even see them, he refused to wear them as he thought people would think they looked silly.
Over $10K well spent:confused:
   / Hearing aid selection. #17  
I object to paying taxes to finance people who see welfare as a lifestyle.
I have no objection to paying taxes to finance any vet who was prepared to put their life on the line for their country.
Different Country, same rules.
My Father had top of the line hearing aids, you couldn't even see them, he refused to wear them as he thought people would think they looked silly.
Over $10K well spent:confused:

Same here. I was a Marine '72-'76. Didn't see any combat, as Vietnam was winding down soon after enlisting. At the time, I was ready for war. My draft number was 342 and everyone begged me not to go. Since I saw no battle, I have no need for VA care and believe those that came home wounded or damaged in other ways can take my spot at the VA.
   / Hearing aid selection. #18  
I've had three sets of hearing aids. The last two were,are Phonak. Newest set is battery free, and gets recharged each night. I have remote control that looks like a smaller garage door opener. I cannot say enough good things about these hearing aids and the professional audiologists at the VA. The technology has dramatically improved over the years.

My most recent set is rechargeable, has remote, and it behind the ear configuration.Also, the speakers are in the ear canal and not in the aid body assembly.
   / Hearing aid selection. #19  
The little song that plays when I rack my battery was weak this morning. Replaced the filter (using a pin to get it out), and the song was its usual volume. This is how you tell.

   / Hearing aid selection. #20  
First.......go see a MD specialist to make sure what your problem really is. If it's just hearing loss........like me.......Costco is your best bet. I have Phonax as well. Have used them for several years. Bought at Costco for $1600.......an audiologist wanted $5500 for the same set. Costco has been very good to deal with.......cleaning....replacing cones and wires....etc.....all part of the price for life. When I first got my ears........we turned the TV volume down from 40 to 19......now my wife says.....turn it up a little......I tell her to have her ears checked and laugh. Good luck.