We had coalstoves when I was growing up. I could still do it if I had to. It would be good to have a bin, keeps it dry. Wet and snowy coal pops and cracks big time.
I remember putting coal in the front to keep the fire all night, learning how to adjust the damper just so, so it burned right, and opening the draft at the bottom of the stove to give it more air and get it going good, shaking the ashes down, taking them out, getting it going in the morning, etc, ours didn't go out at night unless we were gone overnight or the folks didn't get enough in it, it rarely did. Also sometimes getting coal with sulphur in it, yuck, or coal that just didn't burn right. But it sure put out the heat. We had a stove with a metal frame around it, looked kind of like a gas stove, looked nice, had little doors on the side. There was a place in the back for a fan but we didn't have one. I can remember curling up in the place behind the stove with a blanket and reading or doing homework there, was the warmest place in the house.