Hello to everyone,
Greetings from Oregon.
I am a farmer who owns 18 hectares of land.
I hope to find and provide useful information on this wonderful forum.
Hello to everyone,
Greetings from Oregon.
I am a farmer who owns 18 hectares of land.
I hope to find and provide useful information on this wonderful forum.
Ford 3910, John Deere 420C, Kubota G32XKS, IH 2606, Bad Boy Maverick-60"
Welcome to the Forum!
I had to refresh my memory too. Hadn't heard land referred to that way since my grandad farmed. Are you from the "old county"? One hectare is equal to 100 square meters or about 2.47ac. So 18Ha. is just under 47.5ac. My grandfather made a living on 40ac. so there's a lot that can be done on your land. Has it been worked in the past or are you starting from scratch?
Cat D3, Deere 110 TLB, Kubota BX23 and L3800 and RTV900 with restored 1948 Deere M, 1949 Farmall Cub, 1953 Ford Jubliee and 1957 Ford 740 Row Crop, Craftsman Mower, Deere 350C Dozer 50 assorted vehicles from 1905 to 2006
Must be from the old country?
Did you relocate from England to Oregon to farm?
My brother farms 26 hectares of Christmas Trees (65 acres)