Hello from the Heart of Dixie

   / Hello from the Heart of Dixie #1  


New member
Feb 29, 2024
JD 755 Utility
Hi y'all. Just joined and thought I'd start with a little intro. I recently bought a home sitting on 5 acres (+/-) and with the sale the PO left us a JD 755 Turf & Lawn Utility tractor that "needs a little" work. What I was told is: it needs a battery (currently has no battery at all), the fuel injectors need replaced, and the front tires need tending too (both currently are flat). Other than those issues it "appears" to be all together and intact. I am starting with doing some research, such as finding (and downloading) a repair manual, parts manual, and finding helpful resources such as this forum. Budget, as is often the case for many of us, is tight but as with anything else in life, it's just a matter of taking it one step at a time. My first plan of attack is to get the front tires filled with air and pull the tractor out of the barn where it currently is and getting it moved to my garage/shop and work on the rest of what needs to be done there. Such as putting a new battery in it, changing fluids and filters, and if need be R&Ring the injectors. I have formal education and experience in working on diesel engines, though it has been many years, even decades, since I have done any work like that professionally. I use to work on heavy equipment and tractor/trailer rigs in my younger years. This is however the first tractor I have owned. Looking forward to learning from the experience and knowledge of the members here in this forum and hopefully able to provide some sound advice to a few along the way.
   / Hello from the Heart of Dixie #3  
Welcome to the forum!
David from jax
   / Hello from the Heart of Dixie #4  
Welcome to TBN
   / Hello from the Heart of Dixie #5  
G'day Mate, I posted/welcomed you in your other thread.

Enjoy the site.
   / Hello from the Heart of Dixie #6  
Welcome to TBN...Enjoy.
   / Hello from the Heart of Dixie #7  
Where is the Heart of Dixie? You must be my neighbor.
   / Hello from the Heart of Dixie
  • Thread Starter
Thanks for the warm welcoming. To answer the question about "Where in the Heart of Dixie?" I live in Alabama. I see some have on their profile where they're from and such. I'm still trying to figure it out how to include such information to share with others.

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