Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present.

   / Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present. #11  
<font color=blue>"It is a phony deal and not official with any REAL astronomical society in good standing in the scientific community but she might get a kick out of having a star named after her. You get an official manuscript detailing the coordinates of HER star. Guys might think it silly but broa uhh errrahh ladies go for that sort of thing. I've seen the reaction on women, quite positive.... HER STAR!!!!"</font color=blue>

YIKES! /w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif/w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif Watch out for that one!

I thought it might be fun to do that for my wife on her last birthday. Not as the main gift, but as an added little thing. Luckily I asked a few of our friends what they thought about the idea, and EVERY one of them said not to do it. Oh yeah. All the friends I asked were ladies.

Well, I didn't do it. Later, after her birthday, I casually asked her what she thought about having stars named after someone. Her comment was - "It's chintzy!"
   / Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present. #12  
Hmmm. Different strokes. My observed sample over several years is 5. All exhibited positive reactions. A couple were pretty darned thrilled and thought it romantic. My wife got interested due to the reaction of the others (herd instinct) but when I explained that it wasn't sanctioned by any REAL astronomical group just a commercial company she dropped interest but then she has been surrounded by scientists and engineers and likes star parties and such.

Goes to show you when you think you understand women you are confused. The more you think you understand them the more confused you are. Even when all parties are native English speakers.

   / Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present. #13  

I didn't mean to imply that these star services weren't for everyone. I was in a bit of a rush as I replied with my last post, and didn't really get a chance to say what I wanted.

I thought it was kind of a novel idea. Something a little different and unique. I was surprised at the reaction of the women I talked with. In fact, in an attempt to keep things a little on the light side, I commented to her that I thought her reaction was a little snobby. OH, OH. Wrong thing to say!/w3tcompact/icons/blush.gif/w3tcompact/icons/frown.gif It wasn't discussed any further - and not much else for awhile either. /w3tcompact/icons/hmm.gif

All I wanted to get across was to make sure it would be something that a particular lady would want. Do a little homework before deciding to do it.

Maybe this is one of those regional things!? /w3tcompact/icons/shocked.gif/w3tcompact/icons/laugh.gif
   / Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present. #14  
GOLFGAR4, I too find this a less that perfect medium and often would prefer you to see my eyes and body language and hear my voice inflection rather than read cold words. I got your meaning, both times. Their is a wide spectrum of potential responses from the distaff side and often are unpredictable. The wisest words in any of our posts on this topic are yours regarding being careful to custom fit to the lady. I note you (he he he) give no instruction on how to achieve that!

   / Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present. #15  
The first year we moved to the country, I gave my wife a pair of Carhart insulated coveralls. She likes to hang out in the unheated barn with the horses and cats. Should of seen the look she gave me! Well, after a few days of wearing them she has never stopped thanking me for them. If that doesn't work, can't ever go wrong with roses.
   / Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present. #16  
O.K. Mike,

The anniversary weekend has past. Now we all want to know what you finally decided to do. After all, we all have more anniversaries coming up each year - at least I hope we do!/w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif/w3tcompact/icons/smile.gif
   / Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present.
  • Thread Starter
Ok guys: I kinda took all the suggestions.

1. I bought multiple cards and hid them in not too hard to find places.
2. In one of the cards I put a $20 gift card for a local bookstore. I know she will spend 4 hours spending that $20.
3. In the "last" card, I wrote a little something extra to tell her how great it is to be married to her (for 12 years).
4. We got a babysitter for our 14 month old (first night away).
5. I took her out to her favorite, quiet, romantic restaurant.
6. Oh, yeah, on the way to the restaurant I had a CD in the player set for "our song".

With the baby and her now a full time stay at home Mom, the budget was tight, so we had to get creative.

Thanks for all your help and suggestions.
   / Help! Need Suggestions for Anniversary Present. #18  
<font color=blue>"With the baby and her now a full time stay at home Mom, the budget was tight, so we had to get creative."</font color=blue>

Hey, those are the best memories you'll have Mike. Sometimes it takes us awhile to figure out that its' not the $$$ we spend, but what we, as 1/2 of a lifelong team, bring to the other 1/2 from our hearts!

Excellent solution. I'm sure the Mrs. appreciated everything you did for that occassion. You'll be paid back ten fold for your efforts! /w3tcompact/icons/wink.gif