Help !!! Wheel studs on l series

   / Help !!! Wheel studs on l series
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Good luck getting those studs out, hope they don't twist off on you.
Looking at the condition of those studs I would not try to rethread them, there is too much meat gone.[

Thanks for the info. My brother told me the same thing and he is pretty good around that stuff. He thinks I should just send it to the dealership. They own me a favour anyways. That’s a pain because the dealer is 1 hour away and will cost me some coin on top of the dish I already bough, the studs, nuts, trip to Sydney. I’m in to about $600 or more dollars on an old wheel. Would of been better of buying a new tire and rim all assemble.

Thanks again
   / Help !!! Wheel studs on l series #12  
Dealer is always an option.
I'd be tempted to try the stud remover, if they twist off then you still have 3 good options.
You can weld nuts to the broken studs and often turn them out.
Or using a left hand bit drill them out in 2-3 steps then easyout them.
Or a regular drill bit lots of heat and an easyout.
Then there is always the dealer.
   / Help !!! Wheel studs on l series
  • Thread Starter
Dealer is always an option.
I'd be tempted to try the stud remover, if they twist off then you still have 3 good options.
You can weld nuts to the broken studs and often turn them out.
Or using a left hand bit drill them out in 2-3 steps then easyout them.
Or a regular drill bit lots of heat and an easyout.
Then there is always the dealer.
Yes the dealer is an expensive option. Thanks for the info. I use to a live 30 minute tractor drive from the Kubota Dealership. I just drive the tractor there, went up the road and grabbed something to eat at the bar then drove the tractor back home. I never did like working on equipment but I found it was cheeper to drive the tractor to the deal and let them do their thing. If you work on stuff you need $5000 worth of tools, in my climate you almost need a big garage which could be $50,000, then there is my time. Now I live in a very rural area and everything you need you have to drive 2 hour round trip to get it if even if you can get it. It is almost cheeper to buy a new tractor. My tractor is 12 years old and had very little trouble so it is a great machine but now that it is 12 years old with 3800 hours of course things are going to happen. Things like Hoses, time to adjust the values, maybe a rad in a few years, tires are wore, new tires on front about 2 years old but like all Carile tires they are cracked, etc.... The last two months I put $1500 into it. I envy the guys that has a place, the patients and the skills to work on stuff themselves. I know there are lots of you out there because in my machanical stupidity I post stuff and many of you have the fix and skills to do it. Thanks you all for your help. You have all been great. At least now I know my options.
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