Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez !

   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #291  
Here in the Netherlands, the tide is turning: A property is no longer expected to excuse himself and walk away from the criminal, or charges could be pressed against him for abuse... Yes its ok to knock out a robber. This moral change has started after the old prince Bernhard publicly announced to pay the fine for supermarket employees who bruised a shoplifter.

Anyways, some people in this read say just dumb and ignorant things. What if your teenage son was drunk, tried to get into the wrong house and was shot dead three times in cold blood without prior warning ? this guy is a dangerous psychopath who needs to be locked up: when people came into his house he didnt try to scare them off or warn them, he ambushed them, waiting for them to come down the stairs to get a clear shot on them. He did not shoot on legs or shoulder to take out or capture, he shot to kill.

People that say "they got what they deserved" actually say that theft should be punished by death.. ???

I mentioned it once before a long time ago. One of my uncles, we first knew for sure he had alzheimer's disease when he walked into, not his own home, but his childhood home a few houses down the street. They were not related to him, but they knew him so they asked if he needed help, sat him down for coffee and talked to him and gently found out what the misunderstanding was, and then they walked him home, made sure he was safe and that he knew he was in his real home, and then they got on the phone to tell all of us what happened.

Now, folks, had they shot him, I suppose we can understand that, and we can even wonder whether my uncle would have said, in a different time of his life that he would rather have been shot than to endure alzheimer's. But I can't see any way those folks would not have been seriously harmed upon finding they shot a confused kindly old gentleman who expected to walk into his boyhood home and see his parents, brothers, and sisters.

It is obvious that he didn't kick their door down, he merely walked right in the door like he lived there. I saw a recent incident reported here where a father and son held guns on a man who walked into their house, and the man called 911 himself. That fellow may be acting, or he may have been confused due to drugs or some other problem. Due to issues such as my uncle, and folks like that 911 caller, when I come through my door, I at least flip the dead bolt behind me. In rare cases, a person can walk into your home for innocent reasons.

If I looked up and saw a stranger in my home, I would be stunned, and I imagine I would begin to take immediate actions as some as I get over being stunned. That's not good for me, not good for an accidental intruder either. So I make efforts to know that if I look up and see a stranger in my home, it can't be a result of a simple misunderstanding or confusion. I flip the deadbolt without fail.
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #292  
Here in the Netherlands, the tide is turning: A property is no longer expected to excuse himself and walk away from the criminal, or charges could be pressed against him for abuse... Yes its ok to knock out a robber. This moral change has started after the old prince Bernhard publicly announced to pay the fine for supermarket employees who bruised a shoplifter.

Anyways, some people in this thread say just dumb and ignorant things. What if your teenage son was having diabetes and therefor not clear in his mind, therefor tried to get into the wrong house and was shot dead three times in cold blood without prior warning ? this guy is a dangerous psychopath who needs to be locked up: when people came into his house he didnt try to scare them off or warn them, he ambushed them, waiting for them to come down the stairs to get a clear shot on them. He did not shoot on legs or shoulder to take out or capture, he shot to kill.

People that say "they got what they deserved" actually say that theft should be punished by death.. ???I'm glad the thug-hugging is over here in the Netherlands, but really, this is quite the opposite !

That's really what the debate is about. Does the sketchy description and the paucity of facts lead you to the conclusion that they were just a couple of fun loving kids who somehow either stumbled or misguidedly entered the man's house for a drink of water, or maybe just on a whim? Or, was their entry with the intent to commit a felony, and perhaps injure or kill the man who lived there? How do you apply the law (whatever it may be in this instance) to the facts and circumstances...and how important are the man's admissions in making that determination? I certainly can't say for sure that these kids were "punished by death for theft", although I can't say that is NOT the case either.
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #296  
Here is a link to an update article in Mpls Star Trib...

Weeks after shootings, Little Falls divided by tragedy |

Not much new but a bit of an update and summary...sounds like "locals" in Little Falls kind of track the two sentiments on this site :)


There are some links in this article that indicate there were audio and video recordings of the incident, and quote some of the audio. Pretty grim. I predict this guy's goose is cooked. The title of the link: Recent coverage: Little Falls shooting
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #297  
The way the articles make it sound I would hate to be the defense lawyer trying to find an impartial jury. Hope the shooter can at least get a change of venue. Either way, I just don't see how he could get off with a self defense or castle doctrine defense with the details that have been released so far.

   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #298  
The way the articles make it sound I would hate to be the defense lawyer trying to find an impartial jury. Hope the shooter can at least get a change of venue. Either way, I just don't see how he could get off with a self defense or castle doctrine defense with the details that have been released so far.


They could move the trial to the Virgin Isles and I doubt it would make any difference. I would opt to cut a deal with the prosecution rather than face a jury.
   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #299  
They could move the trial to the Virgin Isles and I doubt it would make any difference. I would opt to cut a deal with the prosecution rather than face a jury.

I agree.

   / Here is what not to do or say if you shoot a burglar...geeez ! #300  
Sad case of guy going overboard, kids had broken into & stole prescription drugs day prior from one of their family members so were well on way down wrong path. not one to say they got what they deserved at this point but ... Breaking into ANYONE'S home at night means you are up to no good and dont hold you're own life or life of the home owner worth much.

Guy should have called cops relatively soon after he knew they were stopped. As for people opening doors & walking in had that happen to us prior by neighbor who stopped over. Kind of disconcerting for sure but knew the person glad I wasn't in my skivies for a change ;)
