Holder Forestry Tractor

   / Holder Forestry Tractor #1  


Gold Member
Aug 25, 2005
Hyde Park, Vermont
Kubota L-39
Anyone using, or have used, a Holder Tractor for logging? Look interesting but their site does not have much info. I own a woodlot of 57 acres on moderately steep terrain and am looking for the best tool for thinning operations as well as hauling out some saw logs. I'd like to find something which could be used for other functions around the property (traditional brushhogging, loader work, snowplowing, etc). Ideally it would something which would take normal 3pt attachments, have a quick detach loader so I could use forks when needed, put on a plow, or snowblower (did i mention the 4000 ft driveway), and a grapple. Has to be stable in the woods, have good ground clearance and be able to lift logs to move them around the log yard.

Not asking too much /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Holder Tractor Site
   / Holder Forestry Tractor #2  
From the ones I've seen, they would not be good in the woods. Much too 'high centered' and narrow and more designed for the city streets and parks. Is there a "Forestry" model?
However, if they are good in the woods, then your area will likely have some of them operating there, and hopefully you can check them out. Maybe some contact with the local dealers around you could help find them.
For that style, check into the Bobcat Toolcat (although I wouldn't want to try to manuever one around in the woods). I like my tractor best in the woods to 'see' all the things going on around me, that I couldn't see setting in a cab. There are things to avoid that are above, below, front, back, each side, etc that need to be watched when in the woods or one could get some damage.
Just a thought.
   / Holder Forestry Tractor
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Yes they do have a forestry model. Check the link below. They just don't have much info on it. I read a review in Sawmill and Woodlot mag. which thought they were decent though the tractors they were reviewing actually weren't the forestry model.

Holder Forestry Tractor
   / Holder Forestry Tractor #4  
Ahh, I see it . Also see they have a dealer in Barre, VT about 40 mile south of you. Maybe they would have some of these out and about that you could look at. Sure do look equipped for the woods.
I'd be interested in what you find out too.
   / Holder Forestry Tractor
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I'll let you know. Might be awhile before I get down there.
   / Holder Forestry Tractor #6  
</font><font color="blue" class="small">( From the ones I've seen, they would not be good in the woods. Much too 'high centered' and narrow and more designed for the city streets and parks. Is there a "Forestry" model? For that style, check into the Bobcat Toolcat (although I wouldn't want to try to manuever one around in the woods). I like my tractor best in the woods to 'see' all the things going on around me, that I couldn't see setting in a cab. There are things to avoid that are above, below, front, back, each side, etc that need to be watched when in the woods or one could get some damage. )</font>
The Bobcat Toolcat competes with the Holder C2.43 MultiPark. My Toolcat is heavier to lift and pull more, has a robust lift arm and loader, and can use wide variety of quick attach skid steer attachments. The Holder MultiPark has front PTO but not much lift (for a loader, etc.), and is good for snow blowers, snow plows, brooms and mowers only. But its lighter weight of only 2750 pounds might be better on high quality lawns with lightly compacted soil.

My Toolcat with 4-wheel-steering is manueverable and offers good visibility and protection for light woods and grapple work. But that Holder C8.72HF Forestry tractor does look great (with nice safety features standard) for extensive forestry work! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif And they do have dealers in Canada and catvet's part of the USA.
   / Holder Forestry Tractor #7  

OMG, just as I was starting to think about maybe considering actually leaving this site, you had to post a question about the tractor of my DREAMS! Oh, just seeing her picture again makes me think of all the great times we could have had together, if only .... if only .... if only she weren't so EXPENSIVE! 60 grand and counting. But worth every single penny, I have few doubts about that. The specs on this tractor are simply amazing. 75 HP Deutz diesel, Rexroth hydro tranny with electric over hydraulic locking front and rear differentials, ARTICULATED, with a ground-pressure-sensing system that applies additional force to the wheels that are losing traction, via a hydraulic twisting of the articulated joint (!), amazing lift capacity, FRONT AND REAR 3PH (!), FRONT AND REAR PTO's (!), top speed of 20 mph, turning radius of 7.1 feet, and front and rear axle load ratings of 6,170 lbs. EACH, all at a curb weight of only 5,214 lbs.

Good god almighty, what a machine.


But as to: <font color="blue"> Not asking too much /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif </font>

Maybe not ... check this out:

Kubota L5030HST "skidder" pics

It's perhaps the next best thing to do what you're looking for a tractor to do, IMHO. Works VERY well for me.

   / Holder Forestry Tractor #8  
I just saw these for the first time, they also look pretty cool - the Reform Mounty (Austrian-made). I don't speak German, so I don't even know if they have 3ph's or what:

Reform Hanggeräteträger Mounty 70 / 80 S / 100

The Kubota 5030HST might do a lot of what you have in mind. 50 HP/117 ft lbs, 15.7" ground clearance, 2,980 lbs 3ph lift, 853 loader that will pick up a 2,400 lb log and an 800 lb. grapple w/quick-attach, turning radius of 9.2 ft., very stable, and hydro tranny. Put a full skid plate under it and it's a pretty capable mini-skidder.

Funny, I was just talking about the Holder yesterday, saying how Kubota should come out with a line of articulated tractors. Great concept. So many advantages, including allowing the machine to have a bomb-proof front axle that doesn't have to steer. I think they'd sell lots of them to people doing just what you want a tractor to do. I'd buy one. The 5030 does 90% of what I need it to do, but sometimes I could use more front and rear lift, and that's where the Holder would come in. Volvo makes a very nice wheeled loader that a couple of the tree guys around here use, can't remember the model, but no 3ph.
   / Holder Forestry Tractor
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Thanks for the feedback, I did look at your tractor pics last month. It looked like a great setup. I think the Holder Tractor would be great but there is the cost. I'm looking for 1-2 years down the road at this point so they will probably be even more expensive. As you said the tractor of my DREAMS.

The Reform website looks interesting also, as you said would be nice to be able to read it.
   / Holder Forestry Tractor #10  

Whatever machine you end up with, I highly recommend the grapples I have, especially the rear one, the Implemax. There are other grapples (Anbo, Pirhana, others) that probably equal or exceed my Bradco front grapple, but I have never seen anything that comes close to the Implemax. I don't think there's a tractor made that could exceed its capabilities and strength.

Maybe there's a Kubota "M" series tractor in your future? Great machines, MUCH more lift than my 5030, but I needed the hydro, and the ability to keep lawn damage to a minimum.

The beauty of the 5030 is that it picks the logs right up off the ground, front or rear, no skidding. But if you don't care too much about ground damage (within reason), does it make any sense to look into getting a decent used skidder, like a JD 440 or 540 grapple skidder, and using your B7800 for everything else? What better machine to skid logs with than a skidder? /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif You could probably get a good one for 25k give or take.

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