These rate increases are definitely nothing new to anyone living on the gulf coast. After Katrina many people's homeowner rates went up over 1000%.
I was unfortunant enough to have Allstate insurance on all my properties. Allstate cancelled my insurance on my shop right before Katrina and I was unable to secure new insurance in time and I had about $80,000 damage to my shop. That took a bite out of my retirement savings. It had been insured for 30 years with Allstate with no claims.
I had my home and a rental house insured with them also. They paid off very fairly on my rental house and on my home damages up to the limits of my policy. However, I didn't have nearly enough insurance to cover my fences, outbuildings and no insurance would cover over 100 trees I lost and had to remove.
Then they dropped my policy on my rental house and I had to get it insured by the state which was over twice as high as my previous policy.
Then they dropped the wind coverage of my homeowners policy so that I am no longer insured for hurricane damage but my rates went up instead of down.
Then a lady with Allstate insurance ran into my truck with Allstate insurance and Allstate said she was only 80% at fault and I was 20% at fault for not moving out of her way when I saw her coming even though I was legally stopped at a yield and would have hit another car if I had tried to move. Since we were both at fault according to Allstate, they were able to raise both of our insurance rates.
I can't change my auto insurance to another provider or Allstate will drop my homeowners insurance (which only covers fire, theft & liability) and no other company is writing homeowners insurance in my area.
Ask me if I like Allstate.