How hot and dry is it?

   / How hot and dry is it?
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It's so hot that the road runner has started collecting tolls just for a drink from the birdbath.:rolleyes:

...and a dang raccoon is trying to break into my house...thirsty? At 5:00AM this morining, I went out on my deck to see what it was doing to make all that noise. I took a BB-gun with me as a "convincer."The coon jumped down from the third floor balcony to the deck (raised deck on the 2nd floor) and then ran right toward me because the steps were behind me. I didn't have time to shoot him, but I sure smacked him with the BB-gun when he ran by. I may have to put out a trap for this fellow because I know they can sure be destructive. The worst thing is it makes so much noise at night that it's hard to sleep.:mad:


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   / How hot and dry is it? #12  
Put out a low water trough for the critters, add a few feeders and when fattened try and move some veggies around so you can fit them in the freezer!:D

Make use of the flow; don't fight it!:D
   / How hot and dry is it? #13  
Egon said:
Put out a low water trough for the critters, add a few feeders and when fattened try and move some veggies around so you can fit them in the freezer!:D

Egon, there are a couple of million people in Texas, including myself, that would not mind if Jim could do that to us also this hot August. :D
   / How hot and dry is it? #14  
Jim, do we see a coon skin cap in your future?

Great picture of the road runner. We had 8 young road runners in our front yard back in the spring. My digital camera was not able to zoom in enough to get a good picture. They sure are fun to watch.

   / How hot and dry is it?
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MF1455v said:
Great picture of the road runner. We had 8 young road runners in our front yard back in the spring. My digital camera was not able to zoom in enough to get a good picture. They sure are fun to watch.

James, I have to 'fess up. It was Kathy that took all the pictures except for the armadillo.:eek: We had a doe drinking out of the birdbath too, but we (she) didn't get the camera in time to get that shot.:)
   / How hot and dry is it? #16  
OK, Jim. I'm replying to your question "How hot and dry is it?" hot and dry that the doves landing on the bird bath became petrified.
   / How hot and dry is it? #17  
Looking at the "How hot and dry is it?" What a coincidence? This AM got e-mail from preacher friend that had this answer.

It is so hot and dry that:
The Baptist are sprinkling:)
The Methodist are using a wet washrag.;)
The Presbyterians are giving rain checks.:D
The Catholics are changing wine into water.:rolleyes:
   / How hot and dry is it?
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gotrocks said:
Looking at the "How hot and dry is it?" What a coincidence? This AM got e-mail from preacher friend that had this answer.

It is so hot and dry that:
The Baptist are sprinkling:)
The Methodist are using a wet washrag.;)
The Presbyterians are giving rain checks.:D
The Catholics are changing wine into water.:rolleyes:

Good one! I'm gonna save that.:D
   / How hot and dry is it? #19  
gotrocks said:
The Catholics are changing wine into water.:rolleyes:

Well, Im episcopalian, but I would never stand for that :)